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Ahmuzencab's Cybertemple of the Bees

Ahmuzencab is the Mayan Bee God, also called the 'Diving God' or 'descending God,'
for His images showing him facing downward as if diving down to a flower from the sky.
On of His most famous depictions is at the temple of the Diving God at Tulum, Mexico on the seashore.
The drawing above is based upon what that temple looked like before it was in ruins.
Tulum is thought to have been His sacred city.

He of course reined over honey, and bee-keeping art as well as wild bees, also He was seen as a Creation God,
as the Mayan word for honey is the same term they used for 'world.

Bee God as seen in one of the Mayan Codex holy books

The Bee was worshiped in all ancient cultures of course, by various names for both Male Gods and Female Goddesses.
Alas with the bee population is declining because of the messing with Mother Nature that is happening with seeds and plants being bio-engineered and altered unnaturally.
We need to reclaim the divinity of the Bees, their honey, hives and Gods.
Bees were seen as Egyptian Sun God, Ra's tears...the bow string of Hindu Vishnu Avatar God, Rama's bow.
Greek Priestesses of various Gods were titled "Melissa' which means bee.

A Bee photo I took in Athens in 2012

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