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Chain Reaction Photo Gallery
March 2, 2001
Health Conference


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Photo Gallery 1

Visit Photo Gallery 1, with pics from the retreat, Walk Kickoff, and more!

To visit last year's photo gallery and see even more exciting photos, go to the Photos '99/00

Courtney Smith, Regional Youth Coordinator, and Meredith Houlton, a National Youth Council member, enjoy lunch with Brannan and Jason.

Megan, Mary, and Josh have the difficult task of pouring drinks.

Lauren and Meg work hard registering students ... wait ... is that a yearbook? :)

March of Dimes staff members came to the Health Conference to show their support, and enjoy a delicious lunch!

Guarding the subs, Mary was in charge of the food and beverage committee.

Chain members relax and have a bite to eat.

This conference attendee looks a bit suprised. Is there something in the sandwhich?

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Last Updated: May 13, 2001