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Still The One-Chapter 5

By: Lisa Marie

Aaron stood waiting anxiously for Nick to appear. His eyes scanned the crowd of people coming towards him, finally he spotted him near the back. "Nick! Nick over here!" he yelled.

Nick heard Aaron's voice before he saw him. He saw someone waving at him so he headed over. "Hey AC." Nick said, smiling.

"Welcome home big bro." Aaron said giving him a quick hug.

"Thanks." Nick looked around nervously, he almost expected her to be there.

Aaron noticed his brother look around. "Lis doesn't know you're here." he informed him, causing Nick to sigh with relief.

"Good, I'm really not sure I should be here."

Brian drove up his driveway and headed inside. He'd bought a few things for Michael and a couple things he thought Lis would like. He set his bags down on the bed and was about to turn the radio on when his cell phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered, picking Tyke up.

"Hey B." Lis said.

"Lis! Hey, how's it going?"

"Not bad. Just going to go out shopping and take Michael to the park. When are you coming over?"

"I was thinking in a day or two? I wanted to get a head start on things here."

Lis sighed and looked down at Michael. "Okay we'll see you then." she said trying to hide her disappointment.

"You okay honey?" he asked concerned.

"Just tired. I'll call you later."

"Have fun, tell Michael I love him."

"I will. Bye B." Lis clicked the phone off and looked at her son. "Bri said to say he loves you." she said picking him up. What about her, she wondered as they headed outside.

Aaron looked at his brother as they walked along. "New York must agree with you."

"It's nice, not a lot of interruptions." Nick answered as they picked up his luggage and headed to AC's Durango. As they were piling Nick's suitcases in the back, Nick noticed the baby seat. His eyes grew wide and a lump formed in his throat. "So...uh..." he stammered.

Aaron looked at his brother confused then followed his gaze. "Oh shit...Nick I'm sorry I forgot to take the baby seat out.." he said quickly, mentally kicking himself.

"It's okay AC. How is she?" Nick asked.

"Lis? She's fine, busy with Michael and the wedding, it's a wonder we get to see her."

Aaron got in the driver's side. "I know it's gotta be hard Nick, but it's good you came back when you did."

Nick got in and looked at his brother. "What aren't you telling me?"

Aaron shrugged. "I'll show you. Just do what I say okay?"

"Okay." Nick agreed, sitting back in the seat as Aaron pulled out of the parking lot.

~An hour later~

Aaron stopped the car. "Go to the playground Nick, Lis always brings him here this time of day."

Nick shook his head. "I can't...this was a mistake." he said, glancing in the back seat, seeing Michael's car seat staring him in the face.

"Fine, if you feel that way fly back to New York City."

He took a deep breath. "All right, fine." Nick put his hand on the door handle and slowly got out, heading straight for the playground he knew so well. He walked there quickly, his eyes taking in all the people with children. Just as he was about to turn back he heard her voice. He turned around in a slow circle, until he spotted her a few feet away. It was hard to believe he didn't recognize her instantly. Her back was to him, her hair was blowing in the breeze and she was kneeling in front of a stroller. Nick saw a bench a few feet away from her and went over, sitting down immediately.

Lis spread the blanket out on the grass and sat down, pulling Michael out of his stroller. "Isn't this nice Michael, just the two of us outside?" she asked, setting her son on her lap. Michael gurgled his reply and laughed at the puppy walk by on the sidewalk. Lis laughed. "You want a puppy Michael? Your daddy had a pile of puppies..." she trailed off, thinking of Nick. She looked at Michael. "Your daddy really should see you, you're so much alike." she said sadly. If only she had an idea where Nick was...but what would she do? She was marrying Brian in less then twoweeks, and he thought Brian was the father. Lis laid back and rested Michael on her stomach. He grabbed a handful of her hair and started babbling, Lis laughed softly to herself, he really was just like his daddy.

Nick sat there watching his son. More than anything he wanted to go over but he had no idea what to say if he did. Everything that came to mind sounded so wrong. He watched as Lis got on her knees and settled their son in his stroller and collected their things. Quickly he lowered his baseball cap and slid on his sunglasses as he realized she'd have to walk right in his direction. A minute later she gave Michael his stuffed bear and pushed the stroller onto the sidewalk and right by Nick.

Lis pushed the stroller onto the sidewalk and glanced at the man sitting on the park bench. He looked a bit like Nick, well in her mind he looked like Nick. She sighed and headed for the parking lot, lately she'd caught herself looking around for him almost expecting him to materialize out of air.

Aaron looked over as the door opened and Nick slid in the passenger seat. "And?"

Nick glanced sideways at him. "I saw them all right?" he sighed. "He's perfect and she's more beautiful than I remember. So now I get to go watch her get married and lose them again. Wow, thanks for sending me that invite AC." he said angrily.

Aaron shook his head. "Let me tell you something Nick...and listen okay? She would give anything to have you back in their lives. I overheard her the other day telling Michael about his father."

Nick cut him off. "And what great Brian story was she telling him?"

"She was telling him about you...things she thought he should know."

Nick took a deep breath. "What did she say?"

"That you wanted him more than anything...and it was her fault you aren't with him."

"She's wrong, it's fault he doesn't have his daddy." Nick rested his head in his hands.

Aaron leaned over. "Nick don't blame yourself, you didn't know..."

"How much I hurt her right? AC, she was my wife and I tossed it all away for what? Why?" he looked up with tear filled eyes.

"I don't know, but I think everyone would like to know your reasons."

"All I want to do is go home." Nick said wiping his tears away.

Aaron nodded and started the engine.
