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Hey, and welcome to THE RING. This site, formerly know as the boxingfanatics page, has undergone lots of changes. If you are still accessng this page through the angelfire URL, please change your bookmarks to point to I, Christian Vernon, (better known as Boxerman), am still the webmaster of this page, so don't worry. I have not only changed the name, but the format of the page as well. Don't worry, the various section I had are still here, but the layout of the page is (hopefully) easier to navigate.


10/14/00: Started planning the new layout today. I'm gonna start working on it tomorrow.

10/10/00: Okay, I was looking at the site and I realized how bad the format of this page is. I've got links to pages that don't belong in sections, and everything is all over the place. I'm gonna have to come up with a new site map thingy. (Notice I have no idea what I'm talking about.) Anyway, work on the boxing journal's gonna come to a halt until I finish the new layout. Expect the addition of some BRAND NEW SECTIONS!!! (fanfare) Including, (but not limited to) The ME Ring, The Friends Ring, The music ring, and the Gaming Ring. Since I now have FIFTY MEGS of space, :-), I can do all this stuff. That's all for now. Cya On th' cyberlinx!


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