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Brienne's RED Homepage!
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    Hi! My name is Brienne, and you probably know me. If you don't, then you must live a sad and unfulfilled life. But now, everything will be all right, because you've stumbled upon my glorious page.
    Here's the sad tale of my life thus far (get the tissue box handy). I was born in a mud hut in the middle of the rainforest to a...wait a second, that's a different Brienne. Sorry.
    Hey, check this out, I'm updating my page! See, and I even updated that awful another awful picture. Oh well! Guess I'm just not photogenic. And by the way, yes, this is a formal picture, and yes, I've just included the part that shows me, seeing how this is supposed to be my page and all. However, if you'd like to make yourself exceedingly jealous by viewing a picture of myself with my incredibly attractive boyfriend, Richard, you may click on this link. But you have been warned.
I've come to the realization that, no matter how often I update this, I am still going to look like a huge dork. Oh well! In case you were curious, I'm 18 years old and live in in good old Noh'Cahlina, where I will attend the wonderful University of North Carolina next month (you know you Dookies wish you were me). I have a family that includes a mother, a father, and a sister. I get along with them perfectly, and we all live in peaceful, joyous harmony. Of course. That's why we all have our own countdowns to me moving out.

    My favorite color is red, which explains why 3/4 of my wardrobe is red. I like to listen to lots of bands, including but not limited to: The Plain White T's, Something Corporate, Evanescence, Sugarcult, No Use for a Name, Finch, Goldfinger, The KGB, Weezer, Nerf Herder, Stunt Monkey, Splender, Jets to Brazil, The Hippos, Alkaline Trio, Eleventeen, and a capella music (you can't beat it). Generally what you will find me doing with any free time I might chance to have would be acting, singing (cover your ears - I'm not liable for any ear damage you may sustain from my voice), playing the piano (again with the covering your ears - I'd suggest investing in a good pair of earplugs), writing occasionally, vegetating in front of the computer, and figuring out creative ways to get out of my house. Okay, maybe not so creative, but the creative factor is unimportant when one thinks of the benefits of escaping from my house. Ask anyone who knows me. My most reliable way of escaping from my family is my boyfriend, Richard, who has had the dubious honor of holding that particular title for over two years. Also, going to five million rehearsals a day (not really but I do tend to be involved in a lot of plays). Anyway, the laziness has returned, so I'm done updating for now. Hope you're not too upset. Really.
 These gorgeous people are some of my friends. The rest I don't have pictures for.

Check out the Roz Page. Because she's Roz, and because she made a Brienne Page. And because she loves Moose.


Some Cool Websites for You to Check Out
Get A Free Phone Card
Simply put, free phone cards just plain rock.
If you've actually gotten this far on my webpage, this site is for you.
The Internet Movie Database is my bitch. It just plain rocks.
The Roz Page
Featuring the excellently written, Pulitzer Prize winning story of Mus the Moose.
This site has the coolest quizzes, like the What Kind of Dog quiz and the Are You a Sex Goddess quiz (of course I got a hundred...really...)
The home of the infamous Purity Test. 'nuff said.
My special whiteboard!
My awesome whiteboard. If you're lucky enough to be on at the same time as one of my other admirers, then you can write messages to each other.
My Smart-Ass Page on AOL
A tribute to the fine art of wit that I don't possess.
Rockin' Quotes
Quotes I love from songs I love by bands I love.

If you would like to sign my guestbook, click here.
Leave some inside jokes or just plain funny stuff on my Inside Joke Board by clicking here.
If you would like to peruse the Leftover Brain Food from my AIM profile, clickhere.
E-mail me by clicking here!
My AIM name is ShortCkeBL so IM me. Thanks.
Call my voicemail!
Unfortunately, the voicemail people suck, therefore I no longer have a voicemail number. SO JUST IM ME!
 A FINAL WORD OF WISDOM...who am I kidding, I have no wisdom. And if you're really looking for wisdom from some random person's webpage, you really need to get laid.
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