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Notes on Using the e-mail Dice Server at

The dice server provides impartial rolls for players of board games by mail. To use, send a message to dice(:a:) (change the spammer block -- (:a:) -- to an @ first, of course) containing:

#P <mail address of a player>     [up to 10 #P lines allowed]
#S <no. of sides on every die>
#D <no. of dice for every roll>
#R <no. of rolls requested>
#L <no. of rolls printed per line in output>
#C <comments>                     [up to 100 #C lines allowed]
#T <subject line of returned mail>

Number of sides, dice, and rolls must be in the range 1-1000, inclusive.

Number of rolls printed per line must be in the range 1-20, inclusive.

(This help message was taken from the help message sent by the e-mail dice server at

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