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Here are some testimonials on the wonderful things the Longevity, Restoration, Nite Loss, Wild Yam Cream, Emu Oil, and other products are doing for thousands of people (young and old) around the US and Canada. All testimonials have been received by Renaissance USA's Corporate Product Trainer, Ms. Arlene Robinson. Transcript of testimonials prepared & edited by Jan K Steele, Newberry, Oregon, IR, Renaissance USA

Lorraine Baker
Wilow Spring, NC

I have been taking the Pure Aloe, Longevity, Wild Yam Cream, Nite & Day Loss products. Over the years I have had many medical problems. I am overwhelmed at the improvement in my health and I have also lost about 25 pounds! My mom and sisters are also on some of the products and have seen good results with their Arthritis, Psoriasis and just overall they are feeling better. The thing that excites me the most is the results I have seen with my 15 year old daughter, Andrea.

My oldest son, Jason, is 20 years old and was diagnosed with ADHD when he was in the 3rd grade. I went through a lot of trials and tribulations. Against my better judgement, I put him on Ritalin. I never saw any results, and when I suspected that my daughter was having problems early on, I fought for two years to get her tested. They said she was just lazy, but I knew she was ADD. Although, not as severe as my son, Jason, it was affecting her socially and her self esteem. At the beginning of this school year, I tried to get her to take the Longevity Health Drink. On your previous call, you spoke about ADD. I read the "Product Pack Information", I spoke to Andrea about giving it one more serious try. I told her that if she didn't see any results that I wouldn't make her take it any more. At the end of the second week, I had three teachers call me and say that Andrea had "improved" in school! One teacher, in particular, told me that whatever I have been keep it up. The past two weeks she was a totally different child. She was more attentive and cooperative. When I first answered the phone my heart dropped because this teacher had already called me on two previous ocasions complaining about her attitude and not staying on task.

I can say with great joy and renewed hope that Andrea is faithfully taking her vitamins everyday. She said that she even feels better and she is even a nicer teenager when she comes home from school. I wish that I had these vitamins when Jason was coming along in school. I have hope for Andrea and the rest of her high school years! Most of all, I feel that there is hope for the future for all of our children and their health and well being.

George A. Brown
Campobello, SC

I have been plagued with a very painful chronic comdition called Irritable Bowl Syndrone or Spastic Colon for several years. In August, 1997, I began to take 1 oz of the Restoration Drink each morning before breakfast. Within two weeks, all symptoms had completely disappeared! What had previously troubled me every few days, with no prescriptions (Rx) that ever now GONE!! PRAISE GOD!!
Tim Miller
Campobello, SC

I have had prostate problems for about 3 years with certain symptoms almost daily. Without returning to my Urologist and taking the Restoration and Longevity products..I have not felt any of these symptoms since!
Reba S. Coleman
Waynesville, NC

I started taking the Day Loss and Nite Loss after the Atlanta Extravaganza. I am an insulin dependent diabetic taking 2 shots per day. After taking the Day Loss and Nite Loss I have been able to cut down on my insulin. I have been taking Longevity for about 1 month, and have had to cut my insulin down even more until now I'm taking half of what I was taking before. Also, being diabetic, I have to eat regular meals, plus something before going to bed, so I didn't think I would be able to loose weight, but to my surprise..I have lost 10 lbs without even trying. I love the products and never want to be without them ever again. I feel great!
Virginia M. Brown
Campobello, SC

I have had battled skin proplems for years and have a painful Dry Eye condition. I needed to use artificial tears eight to ten times a night and my Ophthalmologist had suggested that I should have Punctil Plugs to keep tear moisture from draining out. Needless to say, this made for a very grumpy me! In July, 1997, I decided to try the Longevity Drink as a nutritional aid. Ten days later, I could feel a difference in my skin. About threee weeks after that, I noticed that I was only having to put drops in my eyes two to three times a night. I have since gone a number of nights without any drops at all! A good night's sleep does wonders and my skin is still improving. I believe these products are God's answers to prayers! George has lost 15 lbs on the Nite Loss and Day Loss products. He also takes Restoration and Longevity Drinks for health. He has not had any occurence of his Irritable Bowl Syndrone and his Loose Knee Joint has ceased to pop out of its socket since he started taking these. Two of our grandsons, one with ADD and one with ADHD have been helped greatly with the Longevity Drink When the flu hit their household of seven, they all took double doses of Longevity (didn't have any Restoration at the time). Their stomachs settled and they never developed diarrhea. We have had some great results with Emu Oil and A&D Cream..and the Non-surgical Face Lift is fantastic.
David Bolt
Spartanburg, SC

Before I started taking the Longevity Drink, I was waking up 3 to 5 times a week around 2 AM with heart burn and I would sometimes actually wake up strangling!! I've had excellent results from the Longevity Health Drink I now do not need to get up and take 3 to 5 Tums to get a good night's sleep! My wife also has said that I do not snore like I have in the past. She also sleeps better and has more energy to keep up with our 3 children.

Gail Gillette
Rio Vista, CA

I had Arthritis in my right thumb which was swollen, "clinking" and impaired. I had it x-rayed by my doctor and he said just take asprin! After being on the Tropical Aloe Plus, it is completely back to normal! I was getting migraines after painting the exterior of my house..I got back on the Tropical Aloe, and I could paint with no headaches! I also love the women's collection.

Joyce Fann
Greenville, SC

I can not say enough about the help that I have received from the Restoration and Longevity products. I have suffered with tendonitis for years. I had been in constant pain in my right hand and I also had swelling. After taking Restoration and Longevity, I no longer have any pain or swelling!! My job requires constant computer work, typing all of the time which had increased the problem with tendonitis, but thanks to Longevity and Restoration products, I do not have the pain after working all day on the computer. I praise "God" for leading me into this business and allowing me to get these products. Praise The Lord!!

Sandy Clark
Williamston, SC

I have been taking Nite Loss since May, 1997 (aprox. 7 months) and so far I have lost 43 lbs and as a result of this I now have customers that I worked with prior asking me "where is the rest of you"? and that's my open door to tell them about our fabulous products... Of course I tell them.

W. Lyn Williamson
Canton, NC

I have Arthritisand could not close my hands because of inflamation and swelling. I can now close my hands into a fist.

Judy Follison
Greenville, SC

I've been taking Nite Loss & Day Loss for approximately 3 months. Among a lot of other things, I noticed my age spots, sunspots and liver spots, whatever name they may be called...they have started to disappear! They are all gone from my hands and face. The first night I took Nite Loss I slept sounder. I woke up feeling more rested and had more energy. The first week I lost 6 lbs. I haven't changed my eating habits. So far, I have not lost any more weight, but I have not gained any back either. I'm not nervous like I was before I started taking the Nite Loss. I'm no longer feeling any depression and I think more clearly. I'm really thrilled with these products!

Gina Roberts
Carolina Beach, NC

I have had knee pain in both knees which limited me in even getting up or down off the floor with my children. After taking Longevity, I can now get up and down with no problem amd I'm pain free! When I work out I do not even get sored. Also, after 21/2 weeks on the Nite Loss, I lost 12 lbs. I sleep better and I have a lot more energy.

Sara Killian
Union, SC

I have lost 10 lbs since May 1997. I stopped taking it in September, 1997 and I have not gained my weight back. Now, I am going to start using the Nite Loss Product so that I can loose ten more pounds!

Mildred Williamson
Canton, NC

I've been using the Wild Yam Cream for 3 monts. I use to have Hot Flashes all the time; also I've been on hormone replacement for over 20 years. I am at present working myself of this and my Hot Flashes are gone! My body feels like it has totally leveled out!

Linda Burkins
Williamston, SC

I have a habit of wanting to lay down and sleep each afternoon. One day I decided to take 2 Day Loss energy pills. Within 1/2 hor I was ready to go for the rest of the day! Now, each day I make sure to take my Day Loss pills as needed. Immediately, I notice my tiredness if I skip them, yet I notice an immediate energy effect as soon as I take them!

Chris Bolt
Spartanburg, SC

I have had fantastic results with my skin. Every fall I usually have extremely dry, cracked & flaky skin...especially my arms, hands, back, and shins. It is now November 15, 1997 and I do not even need to apply lotion! I am so pleased! I do not have to hide my hands or keep saturating myself with lotion...The Longevity Aloe Product is truly a wonderful moisturizer!

Donna Legg
Angier NC

I have a backgroud in Cosmotology (30 years). Manicuring and Pedicuring were services I provided my customers. Over the years, I have seen people's nails get ridges (from cuticle to tip) when they get near their 50's. I thought it was normal when I started to see and feel ridging in my nails. Ten days ago (Nov. 10 1997) I started massaging Emu Oil into my nails, 2 times per day. My nails are as smooth as if I were 5 years old instead of 40 years plus! I love it!! P.S. To choose ONE product to tell my testimony was hard! I love all the products.

Juda Ranier
Davidson, NC

I was in a meeting where Arlene Robison was doing a presentation. She asked if anyone had any pain and would they like to try the Pain Away Product? I jumped at the chance because for several months my shoulder was killing me. I had damaged it playing tennis. I had been to the Doctor and I had tried every medication and rub possible, of which nothing gave me any relief. I rubbed the Pain Away Product on my shoulder and within 10 minutes, the pain had gone away! Thanks to the Pain Away. I will be able to sleep at night, while I'm in therapy.

Robert Stokes
South Carolina

A report from Dr. Welder, Hillcrest Family Practice, SC: "In February, 1997 your total cholesterol was 301! Now, it is 162! your risk factor was 1.6! It is now 0.6...GREAT WORK...those vitamins and supplements are truly remarkable"! After this check-up, Dr. Welder asked for more information on the Aloe Products so that more of his patients could benefit from them!

Bonnie Boothe
Delta, PA

I have very bad back pain with Arthritis-curvature of the spine, and a small spur growing on my 5th vertebra of my neck. I had Carpal Tunnel in my right hand and still had problems with pain in my hand through my elbow and neck. The Doctor thought I had a very bad pinched nerve in my a test showed that I did, and he thought that that I might have a slipped disc. My Doctor did an MRI and showed that I did not & could not do anything. In the meantime, our Longevity Drink came out and I showed my Chiropractor the ingredients and she said that the Pine Bark that is in our product witll be a great benefit. So, I started taking the Longevity and my pain went away within a few days. I can notice when I slack off and need to get back on the product, plus the Day Loss + Energy pill works great! I can areally tell a big difference and my husband also takes them every morning.

Sandy Tipgins
Mauldin, SC

I take Longevity Health Drink and Day Loss + Energy. I have more energy since I've been taking these products. I was always saying "I'm exhausted". By the time I got home from work, at 5:30 P.M., I could hardly function. All I wanted to do was go straight to bed. In the last 2 or 3 weeks, I'm up at 5:30 to 6:00 A.M. and have to force myself to got to bed at 11:00 P.M. I've started fixing dinner and cooking more instead of always picking something up and bringing it home. Also, I always suffered from Indigestion and I've not had one problem since starting the Aloe Vera Drink!

Frank A. Graf, Jr.
Richland, WA

I have been taking the Tropical Aloe Plus for several months and have noticed the following: I have had a growth on the first finger between the wrist and first joint for about seven years. My Dermatologist has offered to cut it out, but it means a couple of weeks before it heals over, so I have put it off. The last one he did cost $175.00 and that was seven or more years ago. After about six weeks, I noticed that the lump was completely gone. I had a lump on my wrist that my Dermatologist Doctor would not touch since it had a pulse (A blood vessel ran through the lump). Well, now it's gone too!! I am very pleased with the Aloe product and I continue to use it!

Mary E. Hoadley
Carlton, OR

I have Fibromyalgia and in a week after taking one once per day of our Pure Aloe Plus products...the joint and muscle pain went away! I neglected to take the product a couple of days and the pain came back. I do feel better all the time now.

Brenda Martin
Spartanburg, SC

I started taking the Nite Loss in May of 1997 and lost 5 lbs. The first week and then about 5 weeks later, I started taking the Day Loss and this gave me much more energy! I found myself not yawning near as much as I was before. Then in July of 1997, I started taking the Smoothees (which I love) and I now have lost 20 lbs (my original goal)! Yeah! I use the Smoothees as a food replacement and it has stopped my choclate cravings and I feel so much better! I lost my weight without any exercise at all! I also take the Longevity and use all the Bath and Body products and Skin Care Collection.

Maxim Saylor
Salem, OR

I have been using the Aloe straight from the plant for over 40 years for burns, but the use most people never think of and one I started using when my children were babies is Diaper Rash. I have a new grandson and reminded my daughter to use the Aloe. She uses it straight from the bottle for the baby.

Rosemary Ferwilliger Thomas
Orange, CA

My father was healed of Psoriasis after being on the Longevity Drink for only THREE MONTHS! I am an R.N. and my father developed Psoriasis before I was born after being in the army in occupied Japan after WWII. I have cared for people with this dreaded skin disease which could only be alleviated a little with expensive cremes and salves! Now, my father no longer itches all over and his hands are no longer cracked and bleeding after taking the Longevity Drink!

Linda Williams
Houston, TX

I have been taking Nite Loss, Day Loss & Longevity health drinks for 3 months. These benefits have been achieved without additional exercise and without changes in my diet. I try not to eat 3 hrs before bedtime, but that's not always possible due to my work schedule. I am an R.N. working full time in the newborn nursery night shift. I take the Nite Loss with a large glass of of water right before I go to bed each night whether I eat in the 3 hr. period or not. I haven't missed a day taking it since I started. I have lost 31 lbs. I had migraine headaches that were occuring more and more frequently, often daily. These were interfering with my daily activities and required a large amount of pain medication. After being on these three prooducts, my headaches are much less frequent and less severe.

I have more stamina and the desire to stay active. I sleep much better and I feel better with much increased sense of well-being! My energy level has increased greatly! My fingernails are growing faster and stronger than they ever have before. Cravings for sweets, especially chocolate, are almost gone and my appetite is decreased. My complexion is improved, hot flashes are almost gone, decreased aches and pains with much less need for pain medication. My liver spots have almost faded away too! These products are wonderful and their benefits are endless! I can't imagine being without them for even one day!

Patricia Dickson
Bowie, MD

Right now my husband is more excited about the products than anything else! I used to suffer with Carpal Tunnel and I used to have a constant pain down the center of my left arm, both pains are gone! I used to get severe pains in my lower abdomen if I missed more than two meals a day (if my stomach got absolutely empty) and I could not move, Now I can go without eating and no pains! I used to fast a lot and had not been able to fast for the past year and a I can! Also, when I take the Night Loss product, I can feel the calmness that comes over me.

Diane Gibbs
Apex, NC

My son has ADHD. He was diagnosed as such at kindergarten. He has had a very hard time since 3rd grade and is now in 9th grade. He takes ritalin as well as some other medications to help him stay as stable as possible. One bad side effect (for all the good ritalin does for him) is it kills his appetite. Since he started taking the Longevity Drink (1 oz), he has started to eat better. The other day he decided he now wants to eat lunch, so for the first time in years I will fix lunch for him to carry and I know he will eat a part of it, if not all of it.

Debora Coulbourne
Willow Springs, NC

My son, Joshua, has a problem paying attention. Joshua has been on Longevity approximately 2 months. I noticed improvement in the first 2 weeks. I didn't have to repeat myself when I asked him to do something. study habits improved. No rocking back and forth in the chair. School work has improved; he has not got below 91 in spelling. He has improved in other subjects. Reading, which is most difficult, has much improved. He is able to sit down and eat dinner without getting up several times. The teacher has noticed his improvement but says his attention is not always there. I'm very excited about Joshua's progress. I am firmly against synthetic drugs and I'm thankful to have a natural option in helping my child.

Terri O'Meara
Willow Springs, NC

At home, Abby was very outspoken, very active, argued with other children, and selfish. One week after starting the Longevity Drink, the outbursts stopped. She settled down in school. She is playing well with her friends and sharing. I ran out of my drink for one week. I call that hell week. Abby wouldn't listen to anything. she was fighting with her brother all the time. For this week at school she received 16 tallies for bad behavior. That total is three times as many as she usually gets. On the fith day off her drink, her father agreed she needed the Longevity Drink. Thank you for the peace through a natural product. My daughter is thankful as well. She could tell when she was out of the drink.

Karen Ambrosini
Angier, NC

My 13 year old male child was diagnosed with ADHD at 4 years old. he was also diagnosed with severe Allergies and Asthma at 3 years old. I have tried almost every medication on the market including ritalin, Cylert and a combination of Adderall and Clonidine. He has also had biofeedback and psychotherapy. I started him on one once of Longevity Drink a day and within 1 month his allergies improved and his Asthma also improved. He has not had to use his inhaler for a month. Not long after those improvements I noticed a difference in his eating habits. He no longer craved junk food like he had before. He wanted meals and fruits. One of the most important changes has been at school. His grades went up. I was getting calls from the teachers that he is more focused and les hyper. He stays in his seat and no longer causes any disruption in the class. His state of mind all the way around has imroved, even socially.

Louise Woodruff
Hillsborough, NC

I have a 6 year old son. He is a borderline ADD child. He is having some problems at school. Prior to this we had put him on Longevity. We noticed a change in him. He is much more content. Didn't really think too much of it until my cousin Loraine Baker was telling me about it. So we put out 6 year old son back on it. He seems much more content and doing much better in school. He even looks forward every morning to taking his Longevity Drink. It has helped him a great deal. When someone does wrong at school he tells them they need to drink what he drinks every morning and they will not do wrong.

Jan Rhodes
four Oaks, NC

My daughter Brittany, has had numerous problems with grades, the ability to focus, paying attention, and staying on task. She has been taking one ounce of Longevity Drink for approximately 2 months. Since taking this product she has had less markdowns on her weekly papers and has also improved with her grades. Recently, her class has started multiplication and she is doing well. She has never been diagnosed with ADD, but I feel that this is a possibility. I like the idea of natural products as opposed to drugs. Since taking this product Brittany listens and responds to commands much better than before. I look forward to continue to see improvements in Brittany's behavior.

Sue Wallen
Warsaw, IN

After many tests, it was discovered the reason I was having headaches was because the blood vessels in my brain, when they dilated did not retract themselves. I'm still on medication, but since I have been on the Longevity Health Drink and Pure Aloe (Restoration), I have not had to give myself any shots. I do not have headaches any longer! I wake up felling good with a lot of energy and get up and go!

Tom Clark
Williamston, SC

After taking Tropical Aloe Plus for 5 weeks, I was able to stop taking antibiotics that I was on for over 4 years. The doctor could not find anything that would work to cure my prostate infection. After 5 weeks on the Tropical Aloe, I was able to stop my antibiotics and have not taken any since! Also, I had an arthritic knee that was at times very painful. I now very rarely have pain at all!

Carleen Burke
Central, SC

Longevity Health Drink gives me energy and I feel good! I walk 4 miles a day 5 days per week and I have lost 30 lbs in 8 weeks!

Mary Ellen Hamilton, RN
Greenville, SC

My 16 year old son takes Longevity & Smoothies. His Acne went away after 2 weeks on these products. He is more alert in class and has more energy during the day. Cancer patients taking Longevity & Pure Aloe have more energy, feel better, and have been doing better overall during chemotherapy treatment. My child has had Chronic G.I. upset every morning and has been unable to eat breakfast. Smoothie has provided nutrition and Longevity has helped correct his G.I. upset.

Janet Vine
Easley, SC

For 8 years, I was on Premarin. Then I weaned off of it because I started using herbal combinations. When I stopped using Premarin, my Hot Flashes got worse, waking me up at night in hot sweats and ready to do a strip at any given time of the day. I consulted with a nutritionist for something to relieve my Hot Flashes, but nothing worked. Another Wild Yam Cream that I used for 2 months helped to decrease my Hot Flashes a little, but I still had them often and also some very intese ones. I have been using our Wild Yam Cream for 3 weeks now, and I rarely have a Hot Flash! When I do have one, it is vey mild. Anyone who is in the menopause stage knows how hard it is to function in a day with so many menopausal symptoms. I believe our Wild Yam Cream can help a lot of women.

Marivene Walker (Aloe Vera Article on Health & Healing titled "How Aloe Vera saved a life" by Dr. Julian Whitaker, Dec. 1995)
When stephen Huff was ten years old, he was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor called Meningioma Surgeons were unable to remove the entire tumor, and it continued to grow, exerting so much pressure that his eyes bulged out. The prognosis was dismal. In the June 1993 issue of Health & Healing, my colleague, Hane Heimlich, wrote about the many therapeutic benefits of Aloe Vera. Nancy Rothrock, a friend of the Huffs and a Health & Healing subscriber, read this article and out of desperation, ordered a few bottles of Whole-leaf Aloe Vera concentrate for Steve, who began to drink eight ounces daily! Ninety days later, to the surprise of his doctors and the elation of his family, Steve's tumor was in total remission! Today, Steve is a normal 12-year-old who plays football, does karate and drinks Aloe Vera juice everyday.

Peggy Foor
Barryton, MI

I had Ulcerative Colitis for about 17 years. About 2 years ago, I had bad spasms and bleeding. I had sulfur and I had a lot of other medicine, but nothing seemed to work. I got on the Longevity Drink and the spasms stopped within about 2 weeks! Then I got on the Night Loss and the bleeding stopped and I lost 18 lbs! I also started taking the Restoration Drink after each meal to help digest the food.

Sharom Becker
Fowler, MI

I was on the Nite Loss product, first wanting it so I could lose weight. What I noticed was that my hip, which hurt too much to sleep on that side was no longer bothering me. It had been so bad that at night I would have to sit on the lazy-boy chair. I was now starting to get a comfortable night's rest because of the Nite Loss product! After getting on the Longevity and Restoration Drinks, I had my blood sugar levels checked, as I am Hypoglycemic, and that level was now a balanced number! My doctor was ecstatic when he checked my cholesterol and wanted to know what I was doing! My cholesterol count was too good to be true! After being on large doses of blood pressure medication for 20 years and getting a regular lower reading, we are starting to lower the medication and monitoring it. Eventually I can be off the medications too!


Aloe Vera is the most complete natural healing substance in the world. What if you had unlimited supply of pure cold pressed whole leaf Aloe from the labs of Scott McKnight, founder of the International Aloe Science Council, the Council that sets the standards for all Aloe products in the U.S. and 29 other ountries? What if this pure Aloe were combined with 21 enzymes and amino acids, 17 vitamines and minerals, in addition to Manipol, a unique compound that increases the potency of Aloe by as much as 500%? And what if you got paid for using this wonderful product and sharing the good news with others? Could you be interested in knowing how this is all possible?

Twenty times more potent than vitamine C & 50 times more potent than vitamine E, PYCNOGENOL is the most powerful free radical eliminator discovered by men. Free radicals are a major cause of aging. Dr. P.P. Rothschild, a 1986 Nobel Prize nominee and PYCNOGENOL researcher, says, "it's the only antioxidant that can cross the blood/brain barrier, providing extra protection against free radical damage throughout the nervous system." You can get this powerful antioxidant in combination with other goodies (Aloe Vera, Cat's Claw Bark, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Echinacea, Pau d'Arco, Spirulina, Colloidal minerals, seven essential vitamins) in the most great tasting healthful drink on the planet, the Longevity Health Drink.

Elevate your body's metabolism and get rid of those ugly pounds while you sleep, & athritic and other painful aches, as well, with the All Natural Nite Loss Diet Drink. Yes, Rita Ott of Durant, OK (24 lbs off in 3.5 wks, pain and swelling in ankles and knees gone), Linda Cook of Newcastle, OK (cholesterol down by 75 in 6 wks), & Charles Brockett of Mesa, AZ (love handles, age spots, pain, and athrities gone) can all attest to the power of the Nite Loss Diet Drink. It is absolutely revolutionary. All purified natural ingredients include whole leaf Aloe Vera, Chlorella (green food supplement rich in proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, & chlorophyll), herbal extracts (from Hawthorn Berries, Burdock Root, Peppermint, Plantain, Fennel Seed, Passion Flower, Sea Kelp, & Bladderwrack), Citrimax (Hydrocitric Acid) from Garcinia cambogia, and other goodies. Nite Loss can also be used to curb addictions to drugs, alcohol, & smoking. Combined with Day Loss + Energy,you also get the benefits of Ginger, Siberian Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, & additional doses of vitamine B, C, Mg & Colloidal Minerals.

Please check the Renaissance Corporate web site for other amazing products. CLICK HERE, and happy surfing. If you are not already in the business get in touch with me or an IR and learn how you can make thousands by using these wonderful products and sharing the good news with others.