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Tara's Homepage
||| Prom 2003 ||| Jr. Year Pictures ||| Sr. Year Pictures ||| Homecoming 2004 ||| Snow Queen ||| |||Prom 2004 ||| Graduation ||| Summer Pictures ||| Quotes Page 1 ||| Quotes Page 2 ||| Links |||
Welcome to my Webpage! Feel free to check out the pictures and sign the guestbook! I am always adding new pictures, so check back every now and then if you would like. Anyways......My name is Tara and I was a graduate of Groton High School in 2004. I am currently employed at James Valley Telecommunications. It is my fourth summer working there, and I just love it. I am 19 and attend school at USD. However, next fall I will be attending school in Baton Rouge, LA at Lousiana State University. I am really excited, and if I enjoy it I will probably stay there to get my degree.

"Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart."

"Watching you walk out of my life, doesn't make me bitter or cynical about love. It only makes me realize that if I wanted so much to be with the wrong person, how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along."

My parents and I at the Queen's Ball->

This picture is of Brittany, Me, Abby, and Jackie at prom this year. We have been best friends since kindergarten! We have spent so much time together and we have so many great memories! I'm so lucky to have great friends like them. I love them to death and I'm definately going to miss not being around them everyday when we are all at college. I love each and every one of them for their special traits that they have. Brittany is the more quiet, sweet friend; Abby always wants to have a good time, and Jackie can always make me laugh. They mean so much more than just those few short words, and I hope if they read this they will know how much I care!!!! I love you guys!!!!

"A true friend is a person who is there for you through thick and thin. They don't judge you by the clothes you wear, or the size of your house. They love you no matter what. They are a shoulder to cry on, or a partner to laugh with. They stand by you in your times of need, and listen when you are excited. They know every little thing about you. They stand up for you when others don't."

"I know we'll be friends for life, sharing our dreams together. As we walk down the road, we'll never think twice, our memories will last forever. And although we're off to different worlds, somehow we're together. And even though we're far apart, our memories are deep within our hearts. These are the times to remember, our memories will last, forever more..."

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