Salvador's Kitchen--This guy has recipes from over 15 different countries. Try it out. DinnerTime!--DinnerTime has recipes for a whole meal....including dessert! Virtual Quincy--A directory of over 350 recipe and cooking sites Hot & Sour Recipe Sites--Just what the title says Cooking with the CajunMan--Have a favorite recipe? Submit yours and view some that others submitted All Delicious Food--Also have recipes from diffrent countries. Try them out. Grandma's Favorites--Recipes that will make you feel all warm and gooey inside Cooking with The Colonel--A lot of great recipes. Cute design. Restaurant Reviews Dine Site.Com--Find out what other people thought about the restaurants you would like to go to. Post your own review too. Must Register to post review. Dine.Com--Visitor Reviews of restaurants in popular U.S. cities. EatHere.Com--Reviews of restaurants in 25 States and 3 Cities in Canada. Very useful if planning a road trip. Restaraunt Pages--Homepages of Restaurants in U.S. and around the World. Zagat.Com--Visitors vote for thier favorite restaraunts. Restaurants are rate depending on how many votes they get. Must Register to vote. Miscellaneous Savvy Diner--Reserve a table at your favorite restaraunt online! Includes Restaurants in many Popular U.S. cities. An Epicurean Delight--All of the above categories rolled into one in a very fun package. Commercial Home Pages Kraft Interactive Kitchen--Almost everyone is familiar with the Kraft name. Thier page shows the quality that their products posses. You can find recipes, product info and much more. Ragu Presents Mama's Cucina.--If you think all Ragu is is spaghetti sauce, you're wrong. they present many different recipes (including spaghetti sauce, of course) in a humorous, fun format. |
Hi there. Have you ever came home only to find that there is nothing for dinner? You have tons of food in the cabinet , but do not have the other ingredients for the dish you want to make ie. cereal; no milk, hot dogs; no bun or mustard ? Well I have some sites here that will hopefully help you out.
Are you planning a trip but do not know what restaurants are good? Try the sites under Restaurant Reviews or Miscellaneous to see if they can offer some help. To the left you will find the links. Soon I will be adding some banners and buttons. If you have a favorite site that you think should be here email me. If you have a banner or button you want to be here (food related sites only please If you just want a link to you, please email me and I will put you on one of my other pages...get in where you fit in!) please make it less than 5kb in size. Bon Appetit! |
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