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One Shiny 'appy Bloke Lives 'ere

Ich bin Wienerschnitzel!

!!!!!!If and wen it asks yer if yer want ter dahnOld Kent Road sumfink from comet cursors, DO IT, uvverwise yer won't cop the cursor surprise! Struth!

Sorry about the pop-up ad windows, angelfire decided eveyone has ter have them now. :(

This page is pretty much just stuff I've nicked from uvver sites. If yer can fink of or 'ave anyfink ter help it, sign the guestbook or email me. This is Red. Sign it any road, I'm lonely. Right.

Lastly, here's where yer can cop some 'elpful programs. There's winzip, for zip Nobby Stiles, and getright, so yer can pause and resume dahnOld Kent Roads. Cop ffese if yer want, it don't right matter ter me.

Winzip Getright

Secondly, right, a wee bit of a warnin'. Well, not so much of a warnin' as sumfink I'm bloody well tellin' yer before yer go any furffer. Okay, then, squire? Okay. Cor blimey guv! I've put way too much crap on 'ere, so it may take a minute or 57 ter Old Kent Road all the pictures. At least it does wiv me pos, steam-powered modem, right, so just be patient right! Right! That's all.

This page Mae West viewed wiv:

Some of the highlights of me page:
Java Games nuffink
The Good Stuff

Me aol instant messenger name is:


Don't laugh!  I know it's a bad picture eek! Honest guv!! Struth! oh it's just me

Wevver Forecast for Tomorrow: Dark, right, followed by scattered light in the early mornin', clearin' up ter full light by noon. Anuvver dark front should 'it in the evenin', right, wiv toal darkness settin' in tonight and persistin' frough until the next day. There might be a moon up. 'igh probability of stars. There will probably be some wind and clouds, too. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna. Yer never know.

Scary picturesClick on this!  Trust me.Scary pictures

Wen yor a kid yer fink yor favver's superman, ffen yer grow up and realize 'e's just a regular lad 'oo wears a cape...

Yor Favorite James Bond

'oo is yer favorite james bond?

Sean Connery
George Lazenby
Roger Moore
Timoffy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan

Current Results

Tony: I were in Italy wiv a china and this lass comes up and frows me mate a baby. Then wen 'e caught it, her uvver kids ran up and took 'is wallet right out of 'is pocket. So let that be a lesson ter yer. If yor ever in Italy and some bloke tosses yer a baby, just swat it. Swat it ter the ground and say: "I DON'T THINK SO! Struth!"
Dr. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you? Katz: Good for yer, Tony.
Tony: I'm bloody well just tryin' ter take a bite out of crime...

Here are some spiffy wee applet games. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you? (apparently yer 'ave ter have a browser that can do java ter see these)

FINALLY! Blimey!! Honest guv! I've gotten this java game ter work on me own page. Enjoy.

on uvver pages

Me Favorite Links

I remember one time me favver were wearin' kegs, right, it must 'ave been Thanksgivin'--

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Email: '

We used ter go on vacations evry year. Five blokes packed in a car, windows rolled up, pretendin' we 'ad air conditionin'. Me favver would say:
"Would ya 'ave a look at that, mate? How could blokes be so inconsiderate, isit?Frowin' oray perfectly right good lorn furniture."
"Daddy, right, I don't fink they're frowin' it out. Their drinks are still on the table!"
"They're frowin' it out! Right! Cop out of the car and cop it! Blimey! And cop that barbecue set wile yor at it."
Later on I got burned:
"AHHH! Oi!"
"Put on the oven mitts before yer grab that fin'! Struth! Dump out them 'ot coals! Honest guv! Gimme that 'ot dog! Honest guv! GET WITH IT!"

I found the glitch in the chuffin' form that wouldn't let yer send it. It seems that some bloke accidentally erased the bloomin' send button. It certainly weren't me, I would never do anyfink that stewpid. Yer probably fought it were a prank, or that I were stewpid, but it's not and neever am I.

Tell me stuff!

Yor name:

Yor email address: (e.g.: biteme@imnottellingyou'

Yor sex: please pick only one.   Kermit   Miss Piggy   Nun yo' bidnit! Honest guv!

Wotcher ffink of me site, then, eh, squire?

Do yer 'ave any comments, right, suggestions, insults, deaff freats..., then, eh, mate?

Wich of these did yer like, eh, mate?   Pictures   Stories and poems (if yer didn't spot this part, move yor Doll's 'Ouse pointer over these words and click the button on top.   Layert

Did yer sign the guestbook, eh? Yes   No, because I'm an paffetic loser.
O'course yer didn't, no geezer ever does. Why don't yer just do it, then, eh, luv? It's not 'ard! Right! Just go up ter the guestbook wen yer done and sign it. No?... Okay, i didn't want ter have ter do this, but yer've left me no choice... PLEASE! Right!! Oi!! Blimey!! Honest guv!! Blimey!! Right! I'll be yor Mae West mucker! Blimey! I'll give yer a dollar! Honest guv! Two dollars! Honest guv! PLEEEEEEEEEEASE! Blimey!!! Blimey!! Honest guv!! Blimey!!! Right! Yeah! Honest guv!! Honest guv!! Oi! Thank yer.

TP: Folded or   Wadded-up

Can yer fink of any uvver questions that should be on 'ere? Anyfink at all. No not that!

Speak yor puny wee mind! Right! I said rant! Right! Do as I say! Blimey!

The end.