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 (Steve Barfield's Home Page) A Splash Graphix Page! ©

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This site created 01/23/98. You are visitor

You've found the home of CyberChordGuitar Master Software! © Copyright 1996

 (Musical Note) Download CyberChord Guitar Master Program!

Cyberchord is a guitar chord application that I wrote that runs under Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. Displays guitar chord diagrams and plays them via your sound card!

Now available here...CYBERCHORD DOWNLOAD For FREE!

After you try it, please Sign My Guest book and let me know how you like Cyberchord!


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About Myself:

I'm a musician, and programmer. I write programs in Visual Basic, C++ and Java. I also design Web pages in HTML. See the Racetech Race Chassis School , one of the sites that I designed! In the evenings I sometimes play guitar in lounges, using MIDI sequences. During the day I work as an end user support technical representative at a large computer corporation in Charlotte NC assisting users of IBM OS/2 and Microsoft Windows 95 operating systems.

Want a scrolling banner on your page? Check this out! All the code you need to do it!

Need a web site designed at a reasonable cost? Need images scanned for your World Wide Web Page? Look no further.

 (E-mail me!) Email me for information.


I'd like to thank Angelfire for the free web space!

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Please NOTE: This chat server resides elsewhere and is not controlled by me or my service provider. I have no control over what people say or do in this "chat room." Please beware of insane people, perverts, etc... when chatting and take some friendly advice: NEVER give your phone number or address to strangers!

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