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North Carolina Lambda Youth Network

Hey everyone...our website has changed..this is way old, and now you can find us at
North Carolina Lambda Youth Network (NCLYN) is a youth-led statewide leadership development network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allied (lgbta) young people, ages 13 to 24. We are dedicated to developing lgbta young people as leaders and community organizers while providing a space that affirms their identities. NCLYN recognizes how our struggles as young people, people of color, and people of different abilities, sexualities, genders, and class backgrounds are intimately connected and how a commitment to end homophobia must include a commitment to fighting for social justice and equality for all.

North Carolina Lambda Youth Network
115 Market Street
Durham, NC 27701
919-683-3037 (p)
919-683-3194 (f)

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