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"vom Meisenhaus Kennel"

Deutsch Drahthaar pups raised in the kitchen, not the kennel!

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or phone: (919)562-2144


Introducing Dog Portraits
About Our Kennel
Our First Breeding
Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar
Suggested Training Books
Photo Gallery
Other Interesting Links

About Our Kennel

Vom Meisenhaus is a German registered Deutsch-Drahthaar kennel dedicated to the goal of breeding a highly cooperative, intelligent pup with above average natural ability. We belong to, test and breed in accordance with VDD, Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar, e.V. (the original German Wirehair Club).

We are hunters breeding for the hunter. We primarily hunt local forests for squirrels, beaverponds, swamps, lakes, and coastal marsh for ducks and preserves for quail and pheasant. In addition, Elsa has located several wounded deer for local hunters.

Following the tradition of many established VDD kennels, we personally train, handle and hunt our Drahthaars as opposed to sending them to professionals. As breeders, we feel that this gives a necessary insight into our dog's capabilities to be trained and handled by "regular hunters" like ourselves.

Our pups have shown the ability to be trained, handled and hunted by an average hunter with little or no dog training experience. In fact, our 7-year old son successfully handled a pup in the spring natural ability test. Moreover, though we do not disapprove of the use of electronic collars, we feel strongly that our pups are very responsive to the traditional methods of training.

Most importantly to us, our pups complete the versatile dog package by showing the temperament to be companions in the home. Our dogs are sociable with strangers (once introduced), other pets and especially children. This is critical for the long off-season.

GUARANTEE ...We guarantee the hips, the transfer of healthy pups with up-to-date shots and wormings, and we test all of our pups for canine von Willebrand's Disease, a hereditary blood disorder that is similar to hemophilia.

VIDEO TAPES ...We are updating video tapes for individuals wary of buying pups "sight unseen". Those interested in a tape can send a VHS format tape with return postage, and we will forward a tape of our dogs carrying out tasks necessary for field tests and hunting situations. These will include: pointing and steadiness to wing and shot, retrieving a rabbit from a short drag track, retrieving a duck from a pond, and obedience,i.e. heeling on and off lead, sitting, remaining in place and recall.

Our First Breeding

On 11 May 1996 we whelped 7 braunschimmel (brown-roan) pups, 4 females / 3 males from a the breeding of our personal hunting dog (Elsa) Emma vom Hinterwald to Baron v.d. Wolfswiese . Baron is the personal hunting companion of my close friend Bob Worrell. Both parents are excellent hunting dogs who passed the VGP (European utility dog test with blood track).

Baron stands out in my mind as having the most outstanding desire to please of any dog that I have seen in 9-years associated with the breed. This coupled with an "almost human" intelligence placed him at the top of my stud list. Baron earns his keep as a preserve dog, but he also has had a few hundred Ohio grouse shot over him.

Elsa, I believe is one of the purest natural retrievers that I have seen in any breed. She is one of the handful of versatile dogs, here or in Europe that has passed the VGP without force-breaking. This hunting utility test included the 1/4-mile retrieve of a 9-pound fox in addition to waterfowl, rabbits and pheasants.

Looking at my "A" (first) litter, I feel that both parents clearly passed these traits onto our pups. Though not as quick to mature in some aspects, in general our first litter pups were reliably pointing and retrieving and capable of being hunted on upland or water by 15-months of age.

More about VDD/GNA

Those individuals who are not familiar with VDD, please visit the new VDD-GNA website, VDD-Group North America for more information about the Deutsch-Drahthaar in America. Also, if you are currently researching for a new pup, please try to attend some of the VDD tests in your region. If you are interested in attending one of these breed tests, see the VDD-GNA Official website for information concerning the nearest test location, dates and persons to contact.

Regardless of whether you choose a pup from our kennel or another VDD kennel, we believe that you will be thoroughly satisfied with the finest hunting dog in the world, the Deutsch-Drahthaar.

Dog Portraits

My mother-in-law, an experienced portrait painter is accepting comissions for painting hunting dog portraits. Her first decorates our mailbox. We will post this at a later date. The subject photo will be posted for comparison in our photo album. Please contact us for a brochure and prices (depending on the medium).

Thank you for visiting our page. Please visit again.


The Secoura's
Zwinger vom Meisenhaus (vom Meisenhaus Kennel)

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Changes last made on: 25-Jan-2000