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the homie home page

the homies

here are some kick bootay links

Silver Chairs site
a nifty spice girl page
a really kewl band called Me-Jarkon's page
homejar's Jars of Clay page

Okay... whoever the hell decided that they were gonna break into our page needs to get a fucking life! We haven't bothered anybody anymore then they bothered us, and we let people go on with their little lives without giving them grief. But no... someone has to come and piss us off and put this nasty ass stuff on our page. So do us a favor and stop fucking with us or well find you and hack off all of your appendages.

Other then those assholes, we love you all. We really do.

the homies started off as just some nicknames. there was homegirl (now homechair), homie (now homespice), homeslyce (now homebop), and homeboy. homegirl and who was to be homejar were in the same homeroom, and homegirl started talking about the homie nicknames, and the future homejar thought it was rather spiffy. so, they decided to give her the name homejar to become a homie. the group formed. homeboy just, kinda, wasn't really a homie that much after that. homegirl, homie, and homeslyce had all been friends for what seemed like forever, and homejar and homeslyce had been friends since the sixth grade. all of them soon grew into a tight group of best friends. homie soon changed to homespice after homejar came up with the idea for that name. homespice, homegirl, and homejar all went to Washington DC for their language class trip last year, and that was a great experiance, and they became better friends over the course of that trip. over the summer, a tradition for the homies started, homie parties! everybody gets together at one of the homies' house and have a party! in our freshmen year, homeslyce and homechair both changed their homie names, to homebop and homechair. To be continued....
Homie News Updates!

8.31.99 We have come bearing great news! We have TWO new honorary homies! Welcome Homemint and Homie G Funk. Check out the honoraries page for their bios! :)

9.2.99 Today is Homejar's birthday!!! YAY! She's finally 15!!!! ::send presents!:: :)

9.3.99 Homebop has made another honorary Homie! A couple of the Homies don't know it yet, but CharrEy has been deemed Homedawg! This has been coming for a long time, and it is a joyous occasion because it has finally happened! You can check him out on the honorary page too!

9.9.99 (<~~~ KEWL!!!) Homechair attacked me, Homejar, with her Algebra II book today. It scratched me...but it was rather funny. Hehe. And we won MATHO!!! WAHOO!!!! That is all...

9.13.99 Homejar is going on Homie strike.

9.15.99 We're all gonna die. The hurricane is gonna kill us one by one!!

9.24.99 Today is Alaina's birthday!!! WAHOO! She's 15! WAHOO!! WE LOVE YOU ALAINA!!!

11.4.99 Did you think we died since we hadn't made any updates? Sorry... no such luck. :)

Keep checking the page for any further Homie News Updates!!

*1.1.00* The homies would just like to say have a happy new year and may all your dreams for the future come true

For the Homie news Updates of the past, check out the Homie Archive.
our page kinda sux right now, so just kinda keep checking on it 'til it gets better!

come back soon!

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