Southern Championship Wrestling
September 22nd, 2001
Stem Fire Hall, Stem, NC

SCW was planning to return to Butner, NC's Armory on this night, but due to the cowardly terrorist acts of September 11th, the show had to be moved from the Armory to the nearby Stem Fire Hall. The show opened with the playing of the national anthem with all the entire lockeroom surrounding the ring.

In the opener, newcomer Tim Youngblood defeated Mike Draven. Basic opener, Youngblood got the pin with a face bulldog out of the corner followed by a big elbowdrop.

Caprice "Ice" Coleman was accompanied by Count Grog for his battle with SCW newcomer Sean Lei, who was accompanied by Lilly. Grog and Coleman got the crowd riled early with a pre-match promo. Lei hit a nice spinebuster bomb and a series of fisherman suplexes early in the match. Coleman nailed a beautiful standing somersault senton and followed it up immediately with an Asai moonsault for a nearfall. Lei hit an elevated urange for two and tried the move again, but it was countered with an Ace crusher. Coleman then flew off the top rope with a flying legdrop for the win. Good match, as is the norm for Coleman.

Justin Drive defeated Trailer Park Heat in a hardcore match. Justin's brother, the injured Jesse Drive brought out a cart full of weapons early in the match. Justin hit the VanTerminator with a stop sign placed over the face of TPH. Justin attempted a superkick but caught referee Mr. Jolly instead. Jesse seized the moment to lay out TPH with a chairshot and place a railroad crossing sign over him. Justin came off the top with a diving splash for the pin.

Q-Sic was flanked by Count Grog, Coleman, and Boris Dragoff for his match against Lazarus. The crowd was really behind Laz, who was overpowered early on by his larger opponent. Q-Sic caught him in a bear hug which was broken by a kiss (?!) from Laz. Laz went for a headscissors which was countered by Q-Sic tossing him over the top. Laz caught him with the leaping reverse neckbreaker from that spot. Laz attempted a top-rope legdrop but missed. The big man went for a powerbomb, which was countered by a sunset flip for two. Laz hit the Britney Spear but Dragoff and Coleman distracted the ref, allowing Count Grog to enter the ring and burn Laz with a fireball. Does that make him a flaming homosexual?! Anyway, after that, Q-Sic cover for the victory. Good action throughout the contest.

Scab with Persephone was out next to face the new leader of Sex, Love, and Money Natrone Steele, with Brandi Richardson. Scab hit a twisting springboard splash and attempted a back elbow, which was countered by a missile dropkick from Steele. Brandi and Perseph got into a catfight on the floor that Natrone broke up, but Scab took flight and hit a tope onto Natrone on the floor. Scab rolled him back in and hit the spinning springboard bulldog for two. Scab went up to the top rope but got crotched by Brandi. Natrone scooped him up and hit a fireman's buster for the pin. Good, fast-paced match, and the crowd was all over Natrone and Brandi the entire match.

SCW Heavyweight Champion Kross defeated Boris Dragoff with the Brotherhood after an inverted DDT to retain the title. After the match, Caprice attacked Kross and laid him out with the belt, leading to their match-up set for September 27th for Kings in Raleigh. Scab, Sean Lei and Lilly made the save.

Final analysis: The injury bug has hit SCW hard in recent months, but this was a very entertaining show. Natrone and Scab had a very good match, Q-Sic looked good and Laz and Coleman were both tremendous as usual. Good show.

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