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What is Roman Catholic?

A ROMAN CATHOLIC is a non-Christian.
        Note: There is no such thing as a Christian Catholic or a
        Catholic Christian.  Impossible!! Another of the devil's lies.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is a false Christian.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is an unbeliever.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is a Christ rejector.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC rejects the finished work of Christ.  Heb. 1:3  2:9
A ROMAN CATHOLIC reject the Truth.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC believes in purgatory which is ABHORRENT AND WICKED.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC believes a false gospel.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is a heretic.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is an idolater.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is spiritually deceived.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is spiritually blind.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is ignorant of God's Word.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC denies the Word of God.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC denies the Truth of the Gospel.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC adds to the Word of God.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC declares tradition equal to the Word of God.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC elevates tradition above the Word of God.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC bases his beliefs on tradition rather than the Word of God.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC posses a false hope.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC observes the sacrifice of the mass.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC worships sinful man.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC venerates angels and dead saints.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC practices infant baptism.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC exalts Mary above Jesus Christ.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC prays to Mary.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC confesses sin to a sinful priest.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC prays for the dead.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC practices extreme unction.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC uses images in worship.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC worships sinful man, the pope who is a false prophet.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC believes in the infallibility of the pope.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC believes in trans-substantiation.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC trusts in the church for salvation.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC trusts in good works for salvation.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC claims only one and true church.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC attributes satanic miracles to the Holy Spirit.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC lacks assurance of salvation and the forgiveness of sin.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC yields to heathen customs and practices.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is under God's curse instead of Blessing.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is in bondage to Satan.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC disagrees with Jesus Christ.  John 14:6
A ROMAN CATHOLIC disagrees with the apostle Paul.  Rom. 5:1  Eph. 2:8-9  1 Tim. 2:5.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC disagrees with John.  John 3:16  3:18  3:36  4:24  5:24
A ROMAN CATHOLIC disagrees with Peter.  Pet. 1:18-19  1:23
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is a stumbling block.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC crucifies Christ over and over again in the mass.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC believes that unbaptized infants goes straight to Hell.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC claims for a mere woman the position belonging to Christ.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC is in rebellion against God.

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