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WELCOME TO THE NEW MILLENNIUM!Now that we're on a new threshhold, we must embrace the energy of this planet and carry it; a grand responsibility that we are finally able to accomplish! It's an honor and such a marvelous time to be here! We have had so much help, it's been such a tremendous journey, and here we are...ready to carry the energies of mother earth finally, ready to carry the light into this world like it's never been seen here before! It's time, as they say, for the show to begin~ We must re-member WHO WE ARE Yeah, and I like to use litle analogies when I present something, because really, some folks just can't imagine! Really! Some people don't have all the tools in the shed when it comes to imagination, so, this sorta helps our brothers and sisters out who are that way to get an idea going which replicates the concept we are relaying. And the message being, we sometimes gotta take a couple steps backwards on our path in order to see where that fork in the road was that we recognize later we musta missed, which has caused us such unnessary grief, confusion or pain. Once we have laid out tracks along our life's path though, for future back-trackings such as these, we have to make sure that our tracks were laid out with something that would be a Universal denotation that this is to be untouched, un-eaten and un-disturbed by all creatures along this path that we may always find it in tact when we are in search of where our path is either going or has come. So, what better Universality than corn? Yeah, so let's say we laid down a path of corn, and it did in fact remain undisturbed, and almost "sacred" to those of us whom knew to follow just such a path made of corn. Then must we be a Native American? Perhaps, but not necessarily; not if, let's say, by proxy, we were to have learnt this corn path trick, and adopted this way into our own ritual of laying out our path as well, then the earlier ones to have come by here and made these tracks, have carrid out a much larger in understanding the path we, as mankind, are traversing. So, thus begins the corn trails...and from here, I introduce to you my own few steps backwards and then my leaps and bounds forwards, etc., etc., etc., as each new subject that you find surfing thru Europa's Paradigm will feel just that way. Like you are re-tracing a few steps in your basic algorythyms of life, with the biological and then ahead into the theoretical, and then really high-surfin it {as I like to call it when you are really moving consciously without leaving your seat}into the culmination of where those seeds of corn took sprout and the way the wind blew the seeds, and where they have carried us on their ritualistic wings of imagination, heart & intellect and finally, enough energy to realize at last, how every single seed made an ultimate direction for us to follow and for life to reach it's filaments of nerve cells, and awaken the dream we are in...... Thanks be to corn, in this analogy, for the marking of our paths and the the fruit of our labours finally known..... THIS IS WHO WE ARE We are the planters of corn, and the journeymen who follow the planting, and yet, we are the dreamers finally awakened in(not outside any longer)side the dream. Mail2Friend : 1 Click 2 recommend !

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