Will of Robert Walker

In the name of God Amen – I Robert Walker of the County of Stokes in the State of North Carolina do make, publish, and declare this to be my last will and testament that is to say -
First I have heretofore expended upon my son William Walker’s education, a considerable amount of money; and have given him one hundred acres of land and a Negro boy named Tom, which he has received and had the benefit of therefore I will and bequeath to my said son William Walker, over and above what he has thus received, twenty five dollars and no more.
Secondly, I will and bequeath to my daughter Nancy, wife of Joseph Briggs a Negro boy named George and a Negro girl named Amy together with said Amy’s present and future increase, which Negroes I have heretofore put in the possession of my said daughter.
Thirdly, I will and bequeath to my daughter Mary, wife of Clayton Vanhoy a Negro girl named Caroline together with her present and future increase – which Negro I heretofore put into the possession ogmy said daughter _ I also heretofore gave her & made title to a tract of land which I got of Vincent Brown.
Fourthly, I will, desire, and bequeath to my daughter Ruth Vanhoy, widow of Martin W. Vanhoy the tract of land whereon she now lives containing sixty three & half acres more or less and a Negro girl named Phoebe and her child Clarissa together with their future increases for and during the natural life of my said daughter Ruth, and after her death, I give devise and bequeath the said land and Negroes and their future increase to such child or children as the said Ruth may leave living at the time of her death, and their heirs forever.
Fifthly, I will and bequeath to my daughter Ann Elizabeth wife of Hugh Lowry a Negro boy named Bill and a Negro girl named Viletta together with her future increase, to my said daughter & her heirs forever – said negros being now in my said daughter’s possession
Sixthly, I will and bequeath to my son Robert L. Walker a Negro boy named Elias to him & by his heirs forever – also one hundred and seventy five dollars with which to purchase barns for the mill that is on the land for which I have this day executed him a deed – which land is his, together with the mill after my death.
Seventhly, I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Martha my trusty old Negro man Nathan for and during her natural life and after her death, I will and bequeath him to my two sons William Walker and Robert L. Walker and their heirs forever. I also will and bequeath to my said wife Martha a Negro woman named Matilda and a boy named Henry Clay, my farming tools my household and kitchen furniture, one horse four head of cattle, twenty head of hogs, and ten head of sheep for and during her natural life and after her death to be equally divided among all my children.
Eighthly, I will and devise to my beloved wife Martha one third part of my home tract of land which contains five hundred and two acres ot thereabouts composed of various tracts, her third to be laid off of the south west part of the tract including my dwelling house and other improvements, for and during her natural life, and after her death the same to all my children to be equally divided among them share and share alike.
Ninthly, I will, devise, and bequeath all the rest and residue of my property both real and personal not herein before disposed of to all of my before named children, to be equally divided among them share and share alike, Joseph Briggs accounting for one hundred dollars which I paid for him to Emain Shober.
And Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my two sons William Walker and Robert L. Walker, Executors of this my last will and testament. Inwitness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 22nd day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundren and forty seven.


Robert Walker (Seal)
(x) W. H. Mathews
(x) Jno F. Poindexter


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