North Carolina General Assembly - Sessions 1797
Box 3, Petitions
North Carolina State Archives

State of Nt Carolina
Mgomery County

To the Honourable the Speakers of Both Houses of th Grand Assembly we thy Humble Petitioner send Greeting to your Consideration the Great Aggreavance and Hardship that we thy Petitioner Labour under and Knowing Gentleman that the office in which you Occupy in is to Consider and Administor Reliefs unto those of your Loyal Subject who Labour under Agrevievances and Disadvantages~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Therefore we thy Petitioners treat your Honour Gentlemen that you will Consider the disadvantage that we lie under by haveing but one place of election and General Muster in Our County as the Citiation Our County issuch that, by haveing by haveing but one place of Election and also of General Muster ot the Court House on the East Side of the Yadkin River And we thy Petitioner who live on the West Side of said River A Great Number at least forty miles from the said River which Renders still more to our Disadvantage and the River and the River being well known to be very Difficult to cross at the the time of Low waters that we have Experienced it that in time of High waters all though we attend Ever so Early at Musters we cannot all get a cross in time to Answer the purposthat we are Call there for, Either to a Muster or Election and further Gentlemen it is well known that it is Generally late before men are Discharge Place of Rondozvous that is till Very Late ____ In the Night before they get a cross and the River being very wide & rapped in time of high waters that we Consider that we Risk Great Hazards of our Lives -- as their has been many Istances of Boats been Over set and those in them Lost A Crossing ---- & Gentlemen we not Only Commercerate our own hardship we labour under but adding and additionas Expense to the Publick -- we being Admit gerry fee-- & such and Extravagant Premeam to be paid Annually to those who keep the Ferry------ that we Consider it a Publick Aggreivance as well as our private life therefore beseach your Honours to permit we the Petitioners on the west side of the Sd River allso a separate Election in Like Manner Asit wood Relieve we thy petitioners of A very Great aggreavance and Hardship And also wood Curtail a publick Expense which we are Very sensible of ther Great Expense that Our County has already been [at] and know it is Not your Desires to Auumalate them your Venerable Assebly will Ever be Acknowledged by Your Most Humble petitioners

Septm 12th 1797

Marcus Palmer


__________           Lewis? Stokes         Henry  Brown
__________           Richard Hunucut        Robert Turner
__________           J_____h____el         Joshua Davis
Jacob Burtson?       Richard polling       Jas Duke
Charles Gagle Junr   Jams Haly             Richd Watt
David Bradford       Thos Smith            Meril Randle
Benjm Bradford       James Hathcock        John Thompson
______ ________      John talor?           John Snuggs
John? Atkinson       _______Hathcock       George Shankle
William burgess?     David Gurly?          Geo Allen
________ ______      Hudson Taylor         Val Shankle
Leonard Metheny?     Bryan Austin          Thos Blewwitt
____________         Elija Roberson        John Kendle
Christopher Lyerly   John Palmer Junr      Jas Molum?
______ ____ ___    William Johnson  Capt   David Blalock
Cl____ C___ton      William Hunter         Arthur Robinson
Medry _____        John Thomas Jn          Robert Short
younger (X) Hai_drass?   Jno Randle         Peter Miller
Thso (X) Hatley?    John Colson            Isaac Smith
Malichia Harwood      Thos Rice             John Sh__t?
John (X) Burgiess?   Wm Smith              John Lea
Robert Stokes         timis___ Sally       Geo Blair
Shawood? (X) Smith    James Loew           Wm Rice
Wiley? Cr________     Nimrod Taylor       Josiah Davidson 
W (X)___say           John Hagler          John Davidson
Edward (X) Hearin     Jacob Shankle        John Wall
Gorg Re__m---g        Abraham Shankle      John Walker
Andr Bankson?        Solomon Mabey         Uriah Stone
__(German)__          Jos Smtih           Thos Randle 
Charles Cook         Richard Hildrett    Wallis Phillips  
                     John Sallg?          Mathew Philips
                     Jas Hopnson           Wm Mabry
                     Aron S____y          Allen Upenurch
                     Jesse Turner          Thos Smith
                     Nathan Simpson      Mathew Collee_r
                     Wilson Randle        Jas Colleiier?
                     Isham Randle         Jas Wilmouth
                                          Jas Watkins
                                        Geo Swaringen
                                         Richard Stokes
                                         Huit Uz_e_
                                          Samuel Allen

____rick Roggers __________________ _______ Roggers John Poppellin E____d Almond Willim Poppelen Elisha Hunneycut Harbert Sugg Thos Womutton? Nathan Robinson Hosa (Asa?) Smith William Yarby Nimrod? Rowland Jessey Coley Simson Nobles Young Stokes John Burges Gorge Coley Robert Rowland James Coley Henry Tea______ Jonathan Kollen Bird Pyron Abner Stokes Aaron Green Jonathan McSwain Daniel McLester John Stokes Solomon Burris Jonathan McSwain Henry Vanderwood John Stokes John Spencer Josiah floyd Wm W-mver Capt Richard R__nton ____Lea Ephraim Canter Henry Taylor bia? Atkins Thos Stokes Thos Floyd W. Crittendon J. Smith JP? Jas Leg Christian Lippard Jeremiah Barnett W. R. Allen _____ Kendall fillipe freeze? Parham Randle John M________s Lo__hica? Weaver Christian Guigo__ Tray? Robinson Jack Coper Asa Atkins Charls furent? Edmond Taylor Cris cobel _____Coble Hanry Cobel Andy Smith