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Basic Information

Reynolds Price Related Links

RP's Duke Page
RP on Wikipedia
Article on Reynolds Price's Death
Serious Wondering: An Interview with RP
A Review of Noble Norfleet
Jesus Of Nazareth Then And Now (Jesus at 2000)
RP on Charlie Rose
GIGA Quotes from RP
RP in the New York Times
Reynolds Price and the Art of Living (PDF)
The Great Imagination Heist by RP
RP's Books From Amazon
Not With a Bang, But With a Whimper
An Interview With RP (PDF)


Collection of Works:

Co-Wrote "Copperline" with James Taylor
A Long and Happy Life: A Novel (1962)
The Names and Faces of Heroes (1963)
Generous Man (1966)
Love & Work (1968)
Permanent Errors (1970)
Things themselves;: Essays & scenes (1972)
Surface of Earth (1975)
Early Dark (1977)
A Palpable God: Thirty Stories Translated from the Bible With an Essay on the Origins and Life of Narrative (1978)
Source of Light (1981)
Mustian Two Novels & a Story (1983)
Private Contentment (1984)
Kate Vaiden (1986)
Laws of Ice (1986)
House Snake (1986)
A Common Room - Essays 1954-1987 (1987)
Good Hearts (1988)
Clear Pictures: First Loves First Guides (1989)
Back Before Day (1989)
Tongues of Angels (1990)
The Use of Fire (1990)
New Music: A Trilogy (1990)
Homemade: Signed Edition (1990)
The Foreseeable Future (1991)
Conversations with Reynolds Price (Literary Conversations Series) (1991)
Blue Calhoun: A Novel (1992)
Immediate Family (1992)
Out on the Porch (1992)
Full Moon and Other Plays (1993)
The Collected Stories of Reynolds Price (1993)
A Whole New Life: An Illness and a Healing (1994)
The Promise of Rest (1995)
Three Gospels (1996)
Borrowed Time: Photographs by Caroline Vaughan (1996)
The Collected Poems (1997)
Winds of Fury, Circles of Grace (1997)
Roxanna Slade: A Novel (1998)
Learning a Trade: A Craftsmans Notebooks: 1955-1997 (1998)
Critical Essays on American Literature Series - Reynolds Price (1998)
Letter To A Man In The Fire: Does God Exist And Does He Care (1999)
Faggots--coupled with Larry Kramer (2000)
Feasting the Heart: Fifty-two Commentaries for the Air (2000)
A Perfect Friend (2000)
A Great Circle: The Mayfield Trilogy (2001)
Noble Norfleet: A Novel (2003)
A Serious Way of Wondering (2003)
The Good Priest's Son: A Novel (2005)
Letter to a Godchild: Concerning Faith (2006)
A Sport and a Pastime: A Novel (2006)
Things themselves;: Essays & scenes (2009)
Ardent Spirits: Leaving Home, Coming Back (2009)

Cancer Episode
A friend was walking with Reynolds Price in 1984 and he asked him why he slapped his foot against the ground. Curious at the reason, Reynolds Price went to the doctor. In 1984, it was learned that Reynolds Price had an astocytoma or spinal tumor. It was also believed to have been with him his whole life, but his body had adapted to it's growth prior. After many surgical attempts he survived, but he lost the use of his legs. In a wheelchair now, he has continued to produce masterful works.

Reynolds Price's work changed after his cancer bout. I feel that it became more real, focusing more on the reality that death brings. One thing that I asked Reynolds Price when I first met him was why he sped up his writing production. Now he publishes at least one book a year. He said he had a lot more time, that is very true. When I look at his work before 1984 and then after 1986, they seem to be written from two different points of view. He has said that he had to reinvent himself, and I can see that he has done just that.

Personal Account:The first time I met Reynolds Price in person was Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at the Avid Reader in Chapel Hill. I had long enjoyed his works, but meeting him in person made concrete my desire to become a writer. He was wonderful and answered all my questions about his works and his writing style. I told him, as I still believe, that Promise of Rest is one of his greatest works ever. I had never read the preceding two novels in the trilogy when reading this for the first time and even after reading the two stories that led up to Promise, it still remains my favorite novel and can well serve as a stand-alone novel in its own right. His religious interpretations, alone, would have put this man in a class by himself. The Time article he did "Jesus at 2000" was one of the first times I'd read a southern man speak of a biblical interpretation so closely to what I believed. I've included the link to the download for this article in the links section. If you haven't read it yet, make sure you do immediately.

If you have any questions please email me at I love to talk about this man's great work and lead you to resources that will aid you in your research of him. Please let me know if any links are broken or if you would like to see a link included.

Page updated 1/20/11 at 8:00PM