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This Woman


"This Woman"

I can still see your head on the pillow
I can still smell your manly perfume
I can still hear your heart, heart a-beating
Honey long after you've left the room
I'm thinking about you when, when I'm working
You're breaking my power to concentrate
Oh, better be careful 'cause I might get fired
For thinking 'bout the fire we started yesterday
(This woman's in love with you baby
This woman don't think you can do no wrong
But I feel it's only fair to warn you
This woman don't stay in love for long)
And I will swear that I love, love you forever
And when forever is over I'm gonna be kind
'Cause I don't see any reason
To leave a heart all broken and bleedin'
Especially when that bleedin' heart might be mine
'Cause one day I'll roll over
And it'll be over simple as that
One day I'll roll over it'll be over simple as that
(Repeat Chorus)


Money let's me fly to Paris for lunch
And money puts caviar on the crackers I munch
It'll let me buy all kinds of expensive this and that
But I'll tell you a secret about money
I been keepin' undermy designer hat
(You know money ain't what I need
A dollar bill can't give me kiss
When a little kiss is all I need
It can't take me for a ride in the country
Or walkin' in the rain
Money never feels any joy
Honey it sure don't feel any pain
I don't need money, all I need is you, oh, oh)
Oh, oh, 'cause honey, honey, honey without you I'd be dining alone
Surrounded by those things I bought
And they still don't make my house my house
What good is drinkin' your coffee from a costly cup
If you're drinkin' it all by yourself when the sun comes up
(Repeat Chorus)
All I need is you
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Honey, honey don't need money
All I need is you

"Round The Clock Lovin"

I don't need your hard-earned money
Honey, I've got money of my own
I don't need your helpful instructions
To help me get to where I'm going
I don't need you to drive me downtown
In your big shiny car
My needs are simple if you'll just sit down
I'm gonna tell you what they all are
(All I need is 'round the clock lovin'
Rolling easy loving the hours away
All I need is 'round the clock lovin'
I need it twenty-rour hours every day)
I don't neet your mother's phone calls
Waking me up in the night
Asking me "Well, what are ya'll doing?"
And "Are you treating my baby right?"
I don't need your good time buddies
Spilling their beer on my floors
In case you missed it the first time 'round
I'm gonna run it back one time more
(Repeat Chorus)
I don't need designer dresses
Perfume from Paris, France
All that stuff just ain't enough
To make my little heart get up and dance
I don't need your diamond necklace
Shimmering around my neck
That's not what makes me sparkle
Honey, do you have the picture yet?
(Repeat Chorus)

"Where Is A Woman To Go"

Doo-Da, Doo-Da, Doo-Da, Doo-Da Day
Maybe he was wrong, maybe I wasn't even right
Whatever the reason I'm on my own tonight
He's gone a his way and I've gone mine
But I'll bet you get that story all the time
Sometimes your friends ain't always available
To pick you up when you're feelin' down, down, down, down
You know my daddy would die if he knew his baby
Was seekin' refuge in a little ol' bar 'cross town
(But tell me where is a woman to go
When she's feelin' low
And all she wants to do is feel a little better
Tell me where is a woman to go
When she's feelin' low
All she wants to do is feel a little better)
Hey bartender honey gimme change for a ten dollar bill
Bring in back as stack of quarters, if you will
'Cause I'm gonna play every song on your jukebox that makes me cry
Gonna find out how many tears ten dollars can buy
(Repeat Chorus)
All she wants to do is feel a little better
Tell me where is woman to go
When she's feelin' low
And all she wants to do is feel a little better
Doo-Da, Doo-Da, Doo-Da, Doo-Da Day
I said Doo-Da, Doo-Da, Doo-Da, Doo-Da Day

"Hold Me"

[Husband comes home and he says, "Wife turn down the radio, turn off the t.v., and listen to me. Let me tell you about my day." So she sits down and she listens and he begins to speak.]
When I left here this morning
I was bound and determined
I was never gonna come back
Never, never, I was running
I was running from you darling
I was running from my job
I was running from the kid in me
He never knows when to stop
Got as far as the edge of town
Then I turned my car around
And headed back to you
[Husband says, "Wife, what do you think?" Wife says, "It's very interesting. Before we talk about your day let's talk about mine."] When I left here this morning
I was bound and determined
I was never gonna come back
Never, never, I was running
I was running from you darling
I was running from my job
I was running from some wrinkles
No cream will stop
Got as far as the edge of town
Then I turned my car around
And headed back to you
(Chorus:) Come here and hold me, tighter
Tell me tomorrow will be brighter
Kiss me, kiss me a little harder
Don't kiss like we're married
Kiss me like we're lovers
We looked at each other
And we started to grin
This morning it was over
This evening we'll start it all over again
Come her and hold me, hold me tighter
Won't you tell me tomorrow'll be brighter
Won't you kiss me, kiss me, kiss me a little harder
Honey don't kiss me like we're married
Kiss me like we're lovers and hold me
Hold me, hold me

"Hey Bobby"

Hey Bobby
Would you like to go for a ride in the country with me
I'm celebrating
You see the four-wheel beauty you're leaning on
Well it finally belongs to me
I never owned a car before
And I never picked a boy up
At his own front door
It'll be a red-letter day
If you'll come out and play in the country with me
Hey Bobby
We'll ride a little ways down 299
To a lovely little spot I found
To a lovely little spot I found
It's on a hilltop
We can park in the shade and dance on the ground
To a radio station where the hits don't ever stop
Watch the sun go down, see the moon rise up
Drink a champagne toast in a plastic cup
Rock the night away
Looking at stars, talking about cars, Bobby and me
(Hey Bobby
Do ya' wanna huh
Do ya' wanna huh huh
Do ya'
Watch the sun go down see the moon rise up
Drink a champagne toast in a plastic cup
In future times to be when you need a good memory
Bobby think about me
Hey Bobby
(Repeat Chorus)


I see you every day
But you don't see me, no you hardly even look my way
No your eyes are only for her
And her eyes are often gazing another's way
She makes me jealous
She makes you jealous too
You're jealous of these other fellas
I'm just jealous about you
Ain't it a funny, ain't it a joke
The only heart that's cheating
Is the only heart that ain't being broke
She makes me so jealous
And honey I, I oughta run up to you
And tell you myself you know she's throwing your love away
Find the nearest sunset and love your night into a lovely day
Honey if I could wouldn't life be fine but here
I stand afraid to try I'm rooted to this pot just like a tree, oh heartache, or misery (Repeat Chorus)
Honey her cheating heart is the only heart that ain't being broke
She makes me so jealous
Now I can't help it she makes me jealous
Oh, oh, oh so jealous
I'm gonna go on jealous
I just can't help it she makes me jealous
Oh she makes me so jealous

"Didn't Expect It To Go Down This Way"

I'm overworked and I'm overweight
I can't remember when I last had a date
Oh I didn't expect it to go down this way
I used to love and I used to be loved
And now love's a scary thing to think of
Oh I didn't expect it to go down this way
Been dating for years, honey that ain't natural
I thought by now I'd find my man and settle down
Ain't a good one left in town
I'm lonely, how in the world did I end up lonely
I know life would be hard, but I didn't know how hard
I thought by now I'd be happy who's happy, honey not me
I'm lonely, how in the world did I end up lonely
Oh I didn't expect it to go down this way
No I didn't expect it to go down this way
No I didn't expect it to go down this way

"Truly Blue"

You said you saw me
I was with another guy
Said it made you
Want to go home and cry
Well I know just how you feel
Well baby I caught you
But I never let you know that you'd been caught
But the straw that broke my camel's back
Was that blonde too stupid to talk
I swore I'd get even, even if it's the last thing I do
Now I'm just sitting here waiting for sweet revenge
You know somebody told me it's sweet as sweet has ever been
Well that somebody lied, honey all I do is cry
I evened it up the score but I went and lost the war
And now I'm truly blue since I don't have you
If I wrote my feelings down in a letter to you
I'd have to sign it yours truly blue
But now Miss Know-It-All
I'm sittin' here all alone
Yeah once in a while I pick up my phone
To see if the thing's still on
'Cause it ain't ringing, ringing
I bet your phone is ringing off the wall
And honey oh how I miss you
And if you were here I'd kiss you
Baby but baby you're somebody else' baby now
(Repeat Chorus)
I'd have to sign it you

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