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Love In A Small Town


"Come Next Monday"

(Come next Monday
I'm goin' to bed early
I won't talk dirty for a week or two
Goin' on a diet
Just like sugar, honey
Come next Monday
I'm gonna give up on you) (givin' it up)
X-rays show some excess baggage
Too much work for a little heart to do
Self denial is never easy, baby
But, come next Monday
I'm gonna give up on you
Ain't gonna call you
After a day or two
Ain't gonna miss you, honey
And even if I do
I'll never tell you
You'll never ever know
How hard it is
To let you go
Come next Monday
I hope I'm a little bit stronger
Than some other Mondays that I've been through
Temptation Tuesday
Might be sorry
But, come next Monday
I'm gonna give up on you
(Repeat Chorus)
Come next Monday
I'm goin' to bed early
I won't talk dirty for a week or maybe two
I'm goin' on a diet
Just like sugar, honey
Come next Monday
I'm gonna give up on you
Givin' it up
Come next Monday
I'm gonna give up on you


Lets just stay in bed all day
Don't worry about the bills
That we have to pay
Let's call in sick
Let's play hookey all day
And then let's ooh, ooh wee
Order in our favorite Chinese food
Wash it all down
With a nice cold brew
We could watch that good old movie
On channel two
Or we could ooh, ooh we
(Ooh, ooh wee
In harmony
How sweet it will be
When we ooh, ooh wee)
I'm gonna be a damsel in distress
You be the knight in armor
That hears my SOS
Slay that dragon
And come rescue me
Then let's ooh, ooh wee
(Repeat Chorus)
When we ooh, ooh wee
Honey, you and me
Yeah, in harmony
Let's ooh, ooh wee
How sweet it will be
How sweet it will be

"Mary and Willi"

This is the story of Mary and Willi
Modern lovers who never met
They're both lookin' for that perfect love
Neither one's found it yet
Ya see Willie wants his women beautiful
Or Willi don't want em at all
If Willi can't have a beauty on his arm
Willi stays home
Willi drinks beer
Willi watches ball
That's why willi ain't got no woman
Let's see why Mary ain't got no man
Let's' a take a look a look at ole har workin' Mary
Got a little business it's doin' well
Well, she says her workin' life is heaven
Her personal life is hell
Maybe Mary is much to choosey
And she might wind up alone
If Mary can't have Mister perfect on her arm
Everyone else is wrong
Mary Ain't got no one to call her baby
Willi ain't got no shoulder to learn on
Nothin' ordinary
Ever do for Willi and Mary
That's why Willi ain't got no woman
That's why Mary ain't go man

"Love Is Strange"

Love, love is strange
Lots of people
Take it for a game
And once you get it
You don't ever want to quit
And after you've had it
You're in an awful fix
Lots of people
Don't understand
They think love is money in his hand
You sweet love is better than a kiss
And when you leave me
Your kisses I'll miss
Somebody asked me, they said, "K.T. how do call you call your lover boy?"
I say come here lover boy
And they say, "If he doesn't answer?"
Oh I say, oh lover boy And if he still doesn't answer
I simply say
Baby, my sweey baby
My sweet baby you're the one
Come on baby, my sweet baby
My sweet baby you're the one
You're the one, you're the one

"Momma Was A Dancer"

My little girl asked me
Momma, tell me what'd ya do for fun
When you were young
Did you date a lot of boys
Or did ya just date one
How'd ya get your fun
Did ua talk on the telephone
With your best girlfriend
Whenever things went wrong
Tell me Momma
How did you get your fun
(Well, I told her
Honey, Momma was a dancer
Your momma could really get up and move around the floor
Your momma was a real good dancer
Before your daddy came along
That's all your momma lived for)
I was known as Nelda Jean Prudie
I was a real Texas cutie
I drove a Thunderbird
I had a ponytail
And every day after school
Me and Jimmy McCool
Would drive to Nat's cafe
Where we'd dance the day away
And every Friday and Saturday night
I'd go down to the gym
And I'd dance all night
That's how your momma, Nelda Jean Prudie
Had fun
(Repeat Chorus)
Before your daddy taught me 'bout romance
Well, I'd drive a thirty mile dirt road in the 'bird
Just to catch a dance
That's how your momma, Nelda Jean Prudie
Had fun
(Repeat Chorus)
Talkin' about your momma
Wanted to do

"New Way Home"

Slowly I'm healin'
Broken hearts take a little time
Now that I'm feelin' stronger
Time I changed one last pattern of mine
(I have to find
Me a new way home
I can't be drivin' by your house no more
How's that old sayin' go
You better leave well enough alone
And find a new way home
I have to find a new way home
I have to find a new way home)
Have to drive an extra mile or two
What else can I do
I don't want to see
Cause someday I'll see
Somethin' I don't want to see
And it'll only break my heart all over again
Can't afford it my friend
This'll have to end
It's the only heart I got
And it needs a little more time to mend
(Repeat Chorus) I have to find a new way home
Gotta find it
I have to find a new way home
Gotta find it

"Cornell Crawford"

[This is the first song I ever wrote
I read it on a bathroom wall.
It said, "I ain't never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford."]
I ain't never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford
He's the one who turns me on
He's gonna pick me up in his pick-up truck
Take me down the road to have a little fun
He's got a pack of camels
He's got a quart of whiskey
And it's all wrapped up in a brown paper bag
Aw, I ain't never gonna love nobody but Cornell
Crawfod I'd go to hell for Cornell
I ain't had much luck with gool old Chuck
All he ever want to is go the movies
Aw baby, he's dumg and he's dirty and he's way over thirty
Honey, I'm too pretty to wasted my time on him
Aw but that Cornell is so smooth
He knows what to do
He knows how to make me feel good
Oh and I know some day he's gonna take me away
And it will just be me and C.C.
Ya'll I ain't never love nobody but who?
Cornell Crawford
He is the one who turns me on
He's gonna pick me up in his pick-up truck
He's gonna take me down the road to have a little fun
He's got a pack of camels
He's got that quart of whiskey
And he's got it all wrapped up nice in a brown paper bag
Oh we're gonna stop
We're gonna park
We're gonna get down to it in stark
I ain't never gonna love nobody but that man
If I can
I ain't never gonna love nobody but that man

"Still on My Mind"

My lips on the bottle
My hands on the phone
Well, I'm callin' everybody
Nobody's home
I found your number
I wonder if it's the same
Hello, long distance
Won't you get me to that man again
Cause you're still on my mind
Still on my mind
Oh I'm still missin' pieces
From this broken heart of mine
Now don't get me wrong here
I don't do this kind of thing every day
I was just doin' a little drinkin'
Doin' a little thinkin'
And it brought you to my mind again
I was feelin' lonesome
Feelin' my wine
Now I feel like I need to talk to someone
From those good ole times
(Repeat Chorus)
Still on my mind
Still on my mind
I'm still missin' pieces
From this broken heart of mine
This broken heart of mine
This broken heart of mine

"You Call Everybody Darling"

Tho' you're always waxing sentimental
And sweet words are all I ever hear
You don't really give a continental
Deep down in your heart you're not sincere
You call everybody darling
And everybody calls you darling too
You don't mean what you're sayin'
It's just a game you're playin'
But you'll find someone else
Can you play the game as well as you
If you call everybody darling
Then love won't come a knockin' at your door
And as the years go by
You'll sit and wonder why
Nobody calls you darling anymore

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