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A Closer Look at Jen's World

"Never forget that love and music create the true beauty in life; without them there are no forces to destroy hate, emptiness, and fear." ~jls

Konnichiwa! My name is Jennifer Lee Silva, and I teach at Kinnick High School on Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan. I teach band, guitar class, music theory and music appreciation. I live off base, and absolutely love the city and the school. I spent my first year and a half teaching at Odom Elementary in Austin, TX. I'm a 2001 graduate of the Florida State University School of Music, and a proud member of the Class of '97 from Robert D. Edgren High School at Misawa AB, Japan. I'm a "military brat," and my family is presently in Tampa.

My main passion in life is music. The clarinet is my main instrument, and I also play piano, guitar, flute, saxophone, and sing alto; I compose music for piano, guitar, and voice. I listen to all types of music: alternative, rock, classical / New Age, country, and jazz.

I completed my freshman year at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, before transferring to FSU, where I was a member of the Pieces section in the FSU Marching Chiefs for three years. I lived in Japan a total of four years during high school. I played clarinet in the DoDDs Pacific Far East Music Festival in Okinawa, Japan in 95-97; I went to the all-state music festival in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 94, and I visited Seoul, Korea for DoDDs Pacific Journalism conference in 96. If you went to any of those, email me!! =)

Now that you've witnessed a bit of my world, come again soon!

John and me, summer 2001