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|$~$|Jeff "Extreme" Hardy|$~$|

|$~$|Jeff "Extreme" Hardy|$~$|
|$~$|Jeff "Extreme" Hardy|$~$|





Jeff Extreme Hardy

.::People Used::.


.::Titles Held::.

.:: allies ::.

.::Rp Number::.

Jeff, Trish, Interviewers etc

Win; Lose; Draw;




The scene opens up in the backstage area of the OWF, the camera is focused on a locker room door where The Coach is standing and waiting. The door slowly opens as Jeff Hardy walks out.

The Coach: Jeff can I get a few words please?

Jeff Hardy: Sure.

The Coach: What are your thoughts on the brutal beating that Test gave you?

Jeff Hardy: Brutal? Coach i've been in worse matches that were more brutal then that. Yes it was unexpected, but that's the way Test seems to work.

The Coach: Are you at all worried about this hardcore match up with Test?

Jeff Hardy: Worried? Why should I have any reason to be worried? You see Coach this is an actual Match, I get to hurt Test in return, he attacked me, I couldn't defend myself but come Rampage Test'll get exactly what's coming to him.

Jeff walks away from the Coach and carries on walking down the corridoor. He see's Trish standing by a drinks machine and walks upto her.

Jeff Hardy: Hey Trish..

Trish Stratus: Oh, Hey Jeff.

Jeff Hardy: I just wanted to come and say thank you for the other day. It was sweet of you and also to say good luck in your match against Rio.

Trish Stratus: Thanx Jeff, it's very sweet of you.

Jeff Hardy: I was also wondering,'re no doubt gonna get this from alot of guys around here. But I was wondering if you wanted to be...

Trish cuts in..

Trish Stratus: Your manager?

Jeff Hardy: Well not exactly. I was thinking more along the lines of you being my girlfriend? I mean we get on, theres definately something between us. But if it's too much to ask yo..

Trish puts her hand over his mouth and moves closer to him. She then takes her hand away and plants a kiss on his lips. As she pulls away Jeff looks a little shocked.

Jeff Hardy: Take that as a yes then. Hey i've gotta go do a promo etc. But i'll stop by later.

Trish and Jeff kiss once more before Jeff leaves the locker room and walks down the corridoor.

JR: Well folks we've just seen Jeff Hardy and Trish make it offical that they are now boyfrined and girlfriend.

King: She's such a foul JR! She should be with someone better!

JR: Well Trish obviously thinks Jeffs the right person for her. The way I see it, is that Jeff and Trish are just boyfriend and girlfriend. Which means if they want different managers then they can.

King: Meh! I still think she should be with someone better!


The camera is focused on the OWF arena where the fans are looking pretty bored. Suddenly the arena goes dark as Our Lady Peace - Not Enough hits the PA system, and a pic of Jeff appears on the titentron. The crowd stand to there feet and cheer loudly.

Jeff appears from behind the titantron. He poses at the top of the ramp before making his way down the ramp.

Making his way to the ring, from Cameron, North Carolina


He slides into the ring and poses for his fans.

He then takes the mic from Lillian and stands in the middle of the ring.

Jeff Hardy:

What's up, San Antonia California!

The crowed cheer loudly.

Jeff Hardy:

Well I guess you all saw Test's cheap little attack that he seems so proud of.

The crowed boo.

Jeff Hardy:

Well Test, i'm so happy that in some way I could make you happy. I mean you beat the crap outta me good on ya!

The crowed give a mixed reaction, seeming a little confused.

Jeff Hardy:

But you see Test I could have attacked you back, I could have done to you exactly what you did to me, but I don't get a kick outta that like you. I wanna be able to do everything I can to you and let it be illegal. If you set out to make me an enemy you've damn well done that. You see Test you're not gonna get away with what you did. Oh no! To you I might just be some punk ass loser, but Test theres more to me then that. I can take you down, and that's exactly what i'm gonna do come rampage. You see Test I don't get called Jeff "Extreme" Hardy for nothing. I put my body on the line, I give the fans what they wanna see. I work my ass off in every match. You claim you're the "Best" Well Test, you're not! All i've seen from you is beating the crap outta people. That doesnt make you the Best, it makes you a bully, who THINKS he's the best.

You came out here complaining about me being a face, and saying how you don't need the fans. The fans are what were here for Test, the fans are what we do this for. But not you, you just like to act the big hard dog around this federation, but the truth is, there better people in this federation then you, and i'm one of them! Come rampage Test i'll teach you the meaning of HaRdCoRe and what the meaning of Hardcore and extreme means. Jeff Hardy will walk out of Rampage with his arm raised in victory and with the Hardcore title around his waist. Now were also in another match, a so called I wanna take you to a gay bar match. Now sounds kinda stupid, but as far as this match goes, it's just another reason for me to kcik your ass!

Jeff drops the mic and walks backstage. He comes to a locker room that reads "Trish Stratus" . The door opens as Jeff walks in as the scene slowly fades to black.