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The Wellington-Web Notice Board

You will have no doubt noticed the notice board on the home page??  This is for all ex-Wellingtonians' use to advertise reunions, homecomings, announcements, etc, etc.  In fact I will put anything on the notice board that may be of interest to our visitors.

If you have your own business and are willing to make special offers to ex-Wellingtonians, you can advertise here aswell, with a link to your website or e-mail.  Alternately I will upload small banners that will link to your site, or to another page within the Wellington-Web giving further details.  If you want to issue vouchers for ex-Wellingtonians to use at your business, these can be uploaded as well for our visitors to print out.

In the spirit of supporting ex-Wellingtonians' various ventures, all advertising is completely FREE of charge as long as you are an ex-pupil or ex-staff and there is something in it for our visitors.   Bearing in mind, the site attracts around 1000 hits per month, that's not a bad deal is it?

If you just want to tell old mates that you're getting married, or that your kid is on the way, I'll happilly post details of that kind of thing.

E-mail the info to me and I'll add it to the notice board ASAP

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