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"There is great danger in me; for who doth not understand these runes shall make a great miss. 
He shall fall down into the pit called Because,
and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason."


If you read all the shit around on my page, and thinks "Ooohhh.. Who is this hatefull, satanic, out-of-stand-to-love crazy fucked up person?"
You shall all know that i am full of love! move love that any of you can bear to witness!
And Yes! I love animals! im not a standard Christian PR topic in the New World Order media society
like "Satanic Animal Sacrifise!"
I get sad when i think about the poor aniamls, Jugded and Doomed by us, to live a life under the human tyranny as the roles as Income and Entertainment ect...
What have they done to be judged to that by us!?
We are to careless, and i hate it so much that i have become even more careless against the carless humans
I love the Animals, they are so much themself in their own nature...
...You are just angy on me, because i dont love you, and goes my own way.
So go get screwed Ultra Filanthrope Good Masturbator Christians!
Just hate me because i dont care about you.
I do love!
...but in a different manner!
And that is something You dont understand.

Here! Take a good look!


A misanthrope am I
And denies to let go

You cut of my legs
You cut of my head
You dig me up
Throws me every direction in the world
I fly back
with invisible wings
Is the thumb in the eye
But you no eyes have
Enjoy to torture
As much as you tortured me
Without being the thumb in the eye

I have grown up
It is you that has made me
You gave me every thing i could get
From bad words
To hard fights
But now its me
That fights
Without fighting

I follow your way
To hell
You can have it!
You get what you get
And i laugh and say
"Ha! Ha! Ha!Thats the way it goes!"

You had not planned this
But thats the way it goes
When you dont do as they say
Or when you do as they say
Later that they had wrong...well...

Yes, i will come back
And fight back
When you dont expect it
Break down all your hopes
piece by piece
Crush it!
Just like you did mine
And did with me

The sound is so beautifull
When things gets destroyed
But you know that already
You know how to do it

I am beginning to learn now
but the difference is that i know what i do
As a difference from you

Will you ever learn?
Maybe you see whats happening?
But its to late for your matter
For did you know?
Its no idea
To try compete
You are all doomed to lose!
