Vice City Missions: Hints and Tips
Mission hints and tips.
Alloy Wheels Of Steel mission:
Enable the "Rhino" code and put two tanks in front of the other motorcycles. You will have enough room to get in front. Keep up your speed and you will win the race easily because the other motorcycles will crash into the tank and either fall off or have to go around them, using up time.
Death Row mission:
Go to the Malibu Club in a really fast car, such as an Inferno. Get the mission brief. Drive as fast as you can towards the junkyard. When around the corner from enable the "Rhino" code to spawn a tank. Drive towards the guards, blasting them with the tank's cannon. Once inside the junkyard, kill as many men as you can by running them over with the tank. Grab Lance and make your way back toward the tank. Then, take him to the hospital to complete the mission.
Fly a VNC Maverick (or any other helicopter) to the Junkyard instead of driving. This will not only get you there faster, but also will make getting Lance out of there a lot easier. Fly your helicopter next to the hangar Lance is held in, set it down, and kill the Cubans. When you pick up Lance, go directly into the helicopter. This will help you avoid the Diaz's men that chase after you. Then, just fly Lance to the hospital.
Death Row mission: Easy money:
Kent Paul is located at the Malibu club. His first mission for you is "Death Row". When approaching the entrance to the junk yard, there are an abundance of gang members. Once you have killed all of them, collect their money and let Lance die. Once the mission is over, start it again.
Demolition Man mission:
In this mission, you must fly a toy helicopter into a building and drop four bombs into specific points within the building and avoid getting beat or shot down in only seven minutes. There are construction workers and security guards with guns who will attack the toy helicopter throughout the building. The countdown however, does not start until you pick up the first bomb. The best way to begin the mission to find and kill the construction workers and security guards by flying into them with the propeller before you pick up any bombs. This will get them out of the way and you will get a feel for flying the helicopter and spotting where the targets are in the process. After you have killed them all, go back to get the bombs and start dropping them in the targets. Also avoid flying into anything -- with enough damage the helicopter will be totaled.
Another way to complete this mission is to pickup the first bomb and place it on the top floor first. Then, place the next bomb on the third floor, the next bomb on the second floor, and the final bomb on the bottom level.
Distribution mission:
When doing the Cherry Popper drug deals, it is easier to just go to the beaches and sell. Once one star is achieved, simply drive around until it disappears. The bonus to doing it this way is that you will always have plenty of customers, and no cop cars. The only downside is that the ice-cream truck moves very slow. However, you can easily outrun any on foot cops. Try this to make 100 sales easily.
Driver mission:
In the mission when you are racing Hilary, just stay an his tail and he may spin out.
Go to the Malibu Club, and enable the "Flying car (Dodo)" code. When racing Hilary, drive as fast as you can without flying. Since Hilary's car is much faster than yours, it will not stop flying and you will always be in the lead. When the cops show up, enable the "Lower wanted level" cheat, and cruise from there on. You will win without worry about Hilary catching up.
Four Iron mission:
When you arrive at the driving range, go to the line of parked Caddys. Drive your Caddy straight to the edge of the river bank, behind them next to the telephone pole. Put the front wheels hanging over the edge. Next, one at a time, use the parked Caddys to ram them off the bank and into the river. The last one you use (the pink one) should be parked with the front wheels off the bank far enough where you cannot back it off. Be careful, or you will drive off the bank and die. Your last act should be to steal the last Caddy that has the guard in it. After you hijack the Caddy, the target will send his guards after you and attempt to run. He will get into the last available Caddy (the one parked at the edge of the bank). He will eventually fall off the bank, into the river, and drown. Your mission will be complete. Do not engage the guards -- as soon as the target gets into the Caddy, drive around. You can also ram his Caddy from behind to speed things up.
Make sure you have a gun of some type. When you go through the metal detector, the gun will be saved outside for you to pick up on your way out. Note: You can take a chainsaw inside with you, if you have not died since your last Cortez mission. Once inside, go directly to the driving range and pester one of the guards by jumping in his Caddy, or run up the stairs and jump off the top of the driving range. This will put everyone in motion. Kill, beat, or otherwise disable most of the bodyguards so that you can jump in a Caddy and leave the area. Go directly back to the metal detector entrance and kill the two rent-a-cops there. Walk outside, pick up your weapons, and wait for the target to exit the club. When he does so, kill him to complete the mission.
If you do not have the sniper rifle, enable the "Weapons" code to get it. Go into the range, exit back out, then park a car in the left hand corner next to the entrance. There should be a small wooden club holder there. Jump on the car then jump over the wooden club holder. You should be able to snipe the man without the guards even noticing.
When you get to the Leaf Links Country Club, go past the security checkpoint, then enable the "Weapons (tier 2)" code. Take the Caddy and go to where the target is located. Keep a fairly good distance from where he is, then change to your rocket launcher. Use it to kill him and complete the mission.
G-Spotlight mission:
Instead of using the motor bike to complete the entire mission, only use it for the checkpoints that are in the office building. Then, use a helicopter (either from the police station or the Hyman condo) and proceed to stop at the checkpoints on the roofs of the other buildings.
First, get the PCJ 600 near the guard booth near the entrance of the movie studio. Proceed to the pink marker on your radar. Drive through the first building, hitting all the pink circles on the way (enjoy the elevator ride). When you see the first jump to the next building, fall off the building on the bike. Return to your mansion on Starfish Island and go inside. Go up to the roof of the mansion (go inside, turn left before "Tony's Room", follow the wall until the passage on right, follow passage until the stairs, then climb the stairs), get the helicopter if one is there, and proceed to hit all the pink markers. Note: You do not need the helicopter from the mansion; any available one will suffice.
G-Spotlight mission: New spotlights:
After you complete the mission, the spotlight will have a picture of breasts with the word "Suxxx" under it to promote the new movie for Candy Suxxx.
Information in this section was contributed by Noneforyou62.
Guardian Angels mission: Damage proof vehicle:
After you pass or fail the mission, go to the white car to the right of the stairs that you will go back down. This car is bulletproof, fireproof, and damage proof. However, if it flips upside down it will explode and will still cause you to drown if driven into water.
Gun Runner Mission: Extra money:
While doing the Gun Runner mission, other people will be shooting you (usually riding Faggios). If you kill them, you will get a $100 bonus.
Loose Ends mission:
Bring a helicopter before you start the mission at the phone. Start the mission and use the helicopter to go to the top of Cherry Poppers, instead of getting up there on foot. You will avoid most of the men that would have shot you. Once at the top, land the helicopter, shoot the few men there, get the briefcase, then fly the helicopter to the airport. Do not worry if they shoot your helicopter on fire, since there is another one on top of Cherry Poppers. Once you take the briefcase to the airport, the mission is over.
Messing With The Man mission:
Go to Ammu-Nation in Downtown before you start the mission and buy three shotgun rounds. Start the mission. Do not go on a bike. Just shoot people with your shotgun. When the police arrive, shoot them and their cars. Shoot everything in sight to fill the meter before time runs out.
Psycho Killer mission:
Catching the killer with the Love Fist Limo is almost impossible. To make this simple, pick up the mission from the studio, then drive a fast car to the signing area. Run back to the studio and get the limo. Drive the limo to the signing area. When the killer reveals himself, hop out of the limo and chase him down using the fast car.
Rub Out mission: Vercetti's Estate:
After finishing the Rub Out mission, Diaz's estate will be yours and be called Vercetti's Estate.
Rub Out mission: Helicopter:
After completing the Rub Out mission, Diaz's estate will become yours. Complete all of the missions for the estate. When that is done, enter the house and go up the stairs. Enter the room and follow it to another set of stairs. Keep going up and you will eventually reach the top. Go up the "ramp" to get the helicopter.
Sir!, Yes, Sir! mission:
Use a motorcycle for this mission. Move up the left side of the convoy, pull in front of the thing you want to steal then stop and get off the bike. Before anyone can react, hop into the door on the left side and pull away.
Get a motorcycle and park it directly in front of the first car. Enable the "Weapons" codes and get the sniper rifle ready, While they move the motorcycle, snipe the person that is driving the tank. Then, take the tank. Make sure you have full health and armor. Drive the tank to complete the mission.
The easiest way to get the tank is to get to the convoy as quickly as possible. Follow the convoy until they reach a red light. When it stops, the troops will all cluster around each other and rest, leaving the tank relatively unguarded. Run up, hop in, and drive it to the garage. Do not stop for anything or you will probably get pulled from the tank and get busted.
Get to the convoy as quickly as possible. Use the bike near the docks. Follow the convoy until they stop for donuts. When the sergeant tells them to get donuts, the door will be unlocked, You can drive away with the tank, but do not stop.
Before you start the mission, get a fast motorcycle. When you start the mission, drive as fast as you can to the convoy. Drive a few blocks ahead of the convoy and enable the "Rhino" code. Steal the tank you spawned and position it on the road. Take out the escort vehicles with your tank. Then, fire a shot at the target tank to take out the machine gunner. The area should now be free of troops. Jump in the target tank and get to the lock-up as fast as possible before the tank self-destructs.
Spilling The Beans mission:
It is easier to board the charter boat if you first buy a sniper rifle and take out the guards standing on deck. To be more thorough, you can snipe from land on one side of the boat and from water on the other side.
Stand-off mission:
In the final Kaufman Cab Company mission where you are tricked into entering a demolition derby with a group of other cabs at Viceport, it is a good idea to get the rocket launcher from the nearby swimming pool before you park your cab in the lot. When you fight the Zebra cab, your taxi will probably get very smashed up. Kill the Zebra cab with rockets. He is usually not fast enough to run you down if you are on foot.
Firefighter missions: Fireproof:
Steal a fire truck and press R3 to start the firefighter missions. Press Circle to use the firehose to put out burning cars. Get to level 12 to become fireproof while on foot.
Pizza missions: Extra health:
Go behind the pizza restaurant near the beach and steal the pizza delivery moped and press R3 to start the pizza missions. Successfully deliver 55 consecutive pizzas to increase your maximum health from 100 to 150.
Paramedic missions: Unlimited sprint/stamina:
Steal an ambulance and press R3 to start the paramedic missions. Get to level 12 to have unlimited sprint/stamina.
Taxi missions: Hydraulics:
Steal a cab and press R3 to start the taxi missions. Carry 100 passengers to get hydraulics on all taxi-class vehicles. Press L3 to jump whenever needed.
Vercetti missions: Getting money:
After completing the Vercetti missions at the Vecetti Estate, a money symbol will appear on your front porch. Walk into it and collect however much money is labeled at the top of the spinning symbol. This is how you collect your pay for owned businesses.
Vigilante missions: Extra armor:
Steal a law enforcement-class vehicle and press R3 to start the vigilante missions. Get to level 12 to increase your maximum armor from 100 to 150.
Vigilante missions: Easy completion:
Instead of trying to ram the target and thus destroying your car as well, just drive alongside them and unload clips from your Uzi. When the car begins to flame, pull away. The driver might get out, and if the explosion does not kill them, your bumper can.
First, get a hideout with a garage. Then, steal a cop car. Park in the garage and start the mission. Exit the car and walk out of the garage so that the door closes. Enable the "Destroy all cars" code to instantly complete the mission. Go back into the car before time runs out. Repeat this until reaching level 12. This is also a good way to make easy money.
For an easy way to get to level 12 in the vigilante missions, use the Hunter helicopter from the Fort Baxter Air Base. You will not have to worry about police chasing after you, and can easily dispose of the criminals from above.
Hyman Memorial Stadium missions:
Go to Hyman Memorial Stadium in Downtown for three missions. One is a race car mission, the second is a dirt bike checkpoint mission, and the third is a demolition derby mission. You have to read the billboard to see which event is being held for which night. Enter through the center doors at the top of the stairs. The doors will only open at 20:00.
Boatyard business:
Buy the Boatyard in Vice Port for $10,000. Get in one of the boats and start the Checkpoint Charlie mission. Take the boat through all the checkpoints within the allotted time. After this, the Boatyard will begin making money for you. Repeat the mission to increase the amount of money that it brings in. The maximum amount you can make per day is $2,000 to begin with. This number increases each time the Checkpoint Charlie is completed. You can also get free boats.
Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory business:
Buy the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory located between Little Havana and Little Haiti (almost directly across from the bridge to Starfish Island) for $20,000. Drive Mr. Whoopee and get 50 buyers in a single run. You cannot leave the truck or get arrested or killed. After this, the business will begin making money for you. The maximum amount you can make per day is $3,000.
InterGlobal Films business:
Buy the InterGlobal Films Studio on Prawn Island for $60,000. Complete the four missions related to the studio that are now unlocked in front of Hanger "D" and the business will begin making money for you. The maximum amount you can make per day is $7,000.
Kaufman Cab business:
Buy Kaufman Cab at the north end of Little Haiti for $40,000. Three missions will become unlocked. Get in a Kaufman Cab and complete all three missions. After this, the business will begin making money for you. The maximum amount you can make per day is $5,000.
Malibu Club business:
Buy the Malibu Club located east of Leaf Links for $120,000. Complete the four missions that are now unlocked and the business will begin making money for you. The maximum amount you can make per day is $10,000.
Pole Position Strip Club business:
Buy the Pole Position Strip Club located just west of the Ocean View Hotel for $30,000. Enter the hallway in the back of the building and go in the first door on the left for a private dance. You will begin spending money on her. Get to $600 and the business will begin making money for you. Also, at this point you can go all the way to the back of the hall and go through the last door on the right to see a private pole dance. The maximum amount you can make per day is $4,000.
Print Works business:
Buy the Print Works located northeast of Escobar International Airport for $70,000. Complete the two missions that are now unlocked and the business will begin making money for you. The maximum amount you can make per day is $8,000.
Sunshine Auto Car Showroom business:
Buy the Sunshine Auto Car Showroom located just east of Escobar International Airport for $50,000. Go down to the lower garages and locate the dry erase board with a list of cars on the wall. Steal all the cars on the list and bring them to this garage. When this is done, the business will begin making money for you. Each time a list is completed, the business will make more money and a new car for the showroom will be unlocked. The maximum amount you can make per day is $9,000 total ($1,500 per car list). Note: You will also get a free Pay 'N' Spray.
After you have purchased the Sunshine Auto Car Showroom, go under the building to find a pink mission circle. This is a mission where you are entered into races. Once you have started the races, enable the "Rhino" code. Get into the Rhino, then shoot all the cars that are in the race. When the race starts, there will be no cars remaining except yourself. Once you have completed the race, you will automatically win.
When doing the lists of cars, when you get to the third list (sports cars), you can find almost all of them on the road the Showroom is on, or at the main terminal of the airport. Sit there and they will appear. On the last list, you must buy the Cherry Poppers ice cream shop to get the truck.
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