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Paris Serenade - Sarah

Well, Sarah wanted her own little corner, so she'll be taking over from here... Hello, as you all know, I'm Sarah. My show name is Paris Serenade, after my father Sheba's Serenade and my mother who was a French Canadian. I stand 15.2hh, with a chestnut coat and thick mane and tail. I have a blaze, a left hind sock, and a right hind pastern that is only on the inside of my leg. To Stephanie's surprise, I don't get my socks too dirty. I suppose I'll tell you about my story. I was picked up (by Stephanie) at a barn near Hampton, NB. I actually got to meet my half brother that was a few weeks old, chestnut. Must run in the family. :) Anyway, Amanda (that's my owner) got me all cleaned up and was packing my things for the trip. Then Stephanie came with her coach and the horse trailer to pick me up. I was a bit apprehensive at the time, because I didn't know where I would be going, or of the new horses I would meet. Amanda loaded me into the trailer, and gave me my favorite treat as a good bye (apple cinnamon nutri-grain bars). Amanda's mom was sad to see me go too. That made me a bit worried, but I knew that I'm supposed to be quiet in a trailer so I didn't do anything. Off we went to St.Andrews. When we got there I heard two horses neighing loudly. One in particular was quite vocal, she was the lead mare. The other was a gelding that just seemed curious. The mare was yelling to me, asking who I was and what I was doing here. I decided to remain silent for the time being. When I got out of the trailer there was a magnificent view of the St.Croix River. The barn looked new, cozy and reliable, the fencing was post and board with some electric fencing farther in the pasture. And there was Caleigh. She was bulky, thick legged, probably half draft horse, and she was upset. She raced across the fence and hollered at me, wondering what I was doing on -her- turf. I wasn't impressed with her attitude, so I just ignored her. After I was led around I got put into my stall. It was nice, rubber mats and shavings for bedding, automatic watering, and a nice view of everything going on. The next day I was let out by myself, it was good to be free after being in a stall. Then I had a visitor, the gelding. His name was TJ, he was a full hand taller than me, bay, and sort of gawky. But he was nice, we just sniffed noses and went on to eating some hay set out for us. I could hear Caleigh banging in her stall and stomping angrily. She really wasn't a very nice hostess. All of a sudden I saw her coming out of the barn at a good canter; straight toward me. I knew what was coming, so I turned my hindend toward her. She turned around and started kicking me with both hind feet. I returned the favor. This lasted for thirty seconds or so, until she had made her point clear. I was not welcome, and she intended to keep me away from her TJ. That was fine by me, as long as I could eat and drink I was happy. Back to the present, Caleigh, TJ, and I are pretty good friends. We don't often groom each other or things that best friends do, but we take turns drinking, sleeping, and we always stay together in the pasture. Ah, the pasture... I absolutely love going outside, I would prefer not to go in usually. Each morning I get rather impatient with Angela (the lady who owns the barn), because she never puts my halter on fast enough. Another thing I like is my food, although I won't eat everything, I love my grain. I can get cranky about that too, one morning Angela was too slow at getting my breakfast so I took my frustration out on my bucket. I kicked it and the bucket holder clean off the wall. I knew I wasn't supposed to do something like that. I'm usually quite sensible, but when it comes to my breakfast, it better not be late. Well, I've been rambling on for a fair bit, but I'd like to share a few pictures of myself with you. I would love to hear any comments about me, you can email Stephanie and she'll read it to me. Thanks. This page is under construction! Please remain calm! :)

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