Interested in getting your stuff published?

Here's how it's done...

1. First you have to write a bunch of stuff.
2. You come to me and say "Hey Chris, I want you to publish my book."
3. If I dig the stuff and I have some time to kill, I say "That's great, lets do it!"
4. We hash out all the details of how you want it to look.
(i.e. font, colors, paper, cover, layout, etc...)
5. I'll put it into the computer, lay it out, spell check & proof read it.
6. I'll price the per copy amount based on your requested layout.
(it cost me about $250 to print 50 copies of my book)
7. You decide how many you want to print.
(it's usually good to go small at first 20-50 copies. We're only a DIY company running our business out of my house, so I can't take on too much. I can do anywhere from 1 to 100 copies, but no more than 100 per pressing.)
8. You pay for the materials & printing costs,
I do all the work cutting, stapling, assembling, binding etc...
9. I keep a couple of the copies for KnifeStreet and you get the rest to sell, give away, burn, eat, whatever you want to do with them. Usually so you don't get less than you ask for, I'll print up the few extra for me at no cost to you. I just want a copy of everything I put out (if I liked it enough to print it, then I'll probably want one for myself.)

So, if you're interested in pulling out all your poetry and seeing it in print, whether it's to keep your memories living on, to share them with your friends, or hell, to give away some copies to get back at the ex-girl/boyfriend that burned you and brought on your writing frenzy, you can e-mail me at and let me know.
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