Kelly Spooner



A little bit about me...
blah blah blah...

Here's a sample of my stuff...
House of Hell
From the book Jerk in the Box

She sits there waiting.
Onslaught of verbal atrocities.
Slaps, punches and a few kicks.
They would feel better than his venomous tongue, she thinks.
Another ambush, this one stronger than the last.
They're always like that, she thinks.
Reminded daily of her ignorance,
her appearance,
her wasted space.
She sits idly by.
Used to being held down by his abuse.
His mouth spitting acid is the norm.
His threats hold her down.
She's held captive like a slave.
And knows that there is no escape.
This is hell, and she has made it her home.
With four walls and a roof.
To protect the rest of the world
from the hatred spewed by the man she loves.
The fire in her eyes has been smothered.
She has become a shell of the woman she once was.
Each day becoming just a little harder than the last.
This is her home and it is all she knows.
There is no escape for the terrified.

Here is what I've done with KnifeStreet...
Jerk in the Box; a collection of poetry (available now!)

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