George Pacheco

(pic here)



A little bit about me...
blah blah blah...

Here's a sample of my stuff...
From the book One Way Street

moments in a dream
separated by time,
and love.
it's these that I treasure
moments spent with you
it seems like there's no one else
but you.
the world could fall away
and I wouldn't care
because you're here,
with me.
...and these things stay with me:
sharing cigarettes and stories
and I know you understand,
and you know I'm listening
what you don't know is what I would do.
I look at you
and wish everyone could see the beauty I see.
I see all too clearly
through vodka and salt(tears)
and I ask myself:
"how can this soul be so beautiful?"
I smile, and we laugh
and the scent is knowingly familiar
true love?
I don't know...
but for now I am content.
but why, why do I feel so uncertain?
....because I know this can't last.

Here is what I've done with KnifeStreet...
One Way Street (available now!)

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