Dave McDonough

e-mail: TheMetalofMaggot@aol.com

website: Dave's MySpace Page

A little bit about me...
David "Maggot" McDonough, age 23, resides on the South Shore of Massachusetts. He started his writing career in Quincy High School in the year 1997, but he's been writing short stories in some form or another since second grade. Guided by his mentor and high school English teacher, he embarked on a career of writing short horror, mystery, and sci-fi stories. Dave is a jack of all trades, writing being one of his loves. He is also a musician and a film maker, and he enjoys cooking, cuz food is awesome. Twenty three years of being bred on horror movies and heavy metal have ensured years and years worth of more twisted tales of the macabre.

Here's a sample of my stuff...
Excerpt from Coulrophobic
from the book Terror Carved in Crimson

Lizzy felt breathing on the back of her neck. Tears filled her eyes, as she squeezed them shut. She turned around slowly, hesitantly. Her body moving before her head. When all of her was turned, and she opened her eyes, the dark red rubbery smile, with the bright blue eyes was staring her straight in the face.

Lizzy tried to scream, but it was locked within her vocal cords. She dropped the phone, and it shattered on the floor. The clown stood unblinking, and breathing heavily into the phone.

"Hello Elizabeth . . . my name is Rizzo," he said in a whisper, as he moved toward her. She backed up slowly, until she hit the wall. He put the phone on the counter, and moved forward, until he was nose to nose with Lizzy. Tears flowed from her eyes in buckets. All she could do was choke out a terrified whisper.

"What do you want from me?" she asked in unrelenting fear. He inched in closer. His red bulbous nose pressed against hers, and squeaked. She closed her eyes in horror. He reached behind his back, and pulled up a single blue flower.

"For you . . . Elizabeth," he whispered.

Here is what I've done with KnifeStreet...
Terror Carved in Crimson; a collection of short horror stories (coming soon!)

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