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^_^~The Most Fantasy Great Guild~^_^


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Hi! Welcome to the Guild

Huh... The first thing I want to ask is do you want to be the Guild Council? If yes, let look at three rules to be the Guild Council. As you know Guild council is a very important person but I think anyone of you can do it! that only see you want or not...


You must be a talkative person, alway post messages to the messages board, like answer other guild members questions or other important thing everywhere and everything


You can not be poor, playing Neopets longer than most of the other members in the Guild.


You must be a friendly and caring person.That''s very easy RIGHT! After you have read the three important thing to be the Guild Council, if you are interested to be the Guild Council, LET CLICK HERE!!!

Normal Members

If you are not interested to be the Guild Council..why not be a member, you can just join and wait for the NP, RARE items to be given to you. LET CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT

My NeoCircle

This NeoCircle is owned by racmeixin
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Other Things That This Guild Ofter!

We will help you to find things that you needs, items..foods for your pets..and many other things. All you need to do this post a MESSAGE

The Meeting Room

The CHAT ROOM you can come here anytime as you like because open at anytime for you, hope there are some members to chat with you.


Donate to guild, then you will have MORE chance to win RARE ITEM or 500 NP.Just like the other Guild,the more np you donate the more chance you can win the items and np and of course the items and the np is sure worth more than you donate.Click HERE, HERE or HERE to come to the shop and donate, okay?


Rules are very important and easy too! I wish you really follow the rule and I can say this guild rules are very very easy because there are only THREE rules:
  • Do not beg to give rare item or np.
  • Do not put any dirty words on the messages board.
  • Do not cheat.
The Golden Rule in Neopets maybe will help you. If there still got something that you don''t understand you can just NEOMAIL ME