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WebLeeg Free Ads-Military Items & More!

E-mail Contact
Memory Supplies for memory cards, batteries, cameras and soooooooo much more at great prices!!!
Army Transportation Association Vietnam Home Page
Contact me for lists/prices and additional information
WebLeeg Free Ads-Military Items & More


Military Payment Certificates-Authenic
MPC Replicas-Full Sets All Series!
Vietnamese Currency & Coins-North & South
Currency From..Cambodia-Laos-Thailand
WWII Allied Payment Certificates
Nazi Germany Currency & Coins
Stamps-North & South Vietnam
South Vietnam First Day Covers
US Military First Day Covers
US Navy Ship Vietnam Cancellations
Stamps-Nazi Germany

Assorted Militaria & Collectibles

Various WWII Era Cigarettes (packs)
Various Vietnam Cigarette Lighters
1st COSCOM Coins (the old 1st Log Cmd Vietnam)
Assorted Commanders Coins
Marine Corps Coins
SF & SF Spouse Coins
Original P-38's in Package
Vietnam Death Cards (Ace of Spades)-Reprints!
7 Flag Safe Conduct Passes-Originals and Full Color Reprints!
M-16 Magazine Protection Bags original
M-16 Magazine Chieu Hoi Bags original
Inert Grenades (none currently available)
Grenade Rings/pins (none currently available)
Vietnam Dart Collectible Cards (both sets)
Medal Of Honor Collectible Cards sets
1968 Dated Flack Vest w/Groin Protector-Size Large (Sold)


In-Country Made Vietnam Patches (Sold)
Vietnam Full Color 1st Logistics Command Patches Dated 1967
Vietnam Era II Field Force Patches Dated 1968
Vietnam Era 124th Trans Cmd Patches Dated 1968
Vietnam Era Macv Patches (All Sold)
Regimental Blazer Patches-Bullion
US Army Class A Service Stripes (3 year)
Unit Crest (Transportation-Logistics)
South & North Vietnamese Medals

Vietnam Maps

National Geographic Vietnam Maps
Rand McNally Map
I Corp Contour Maps


Authenic Transportation Guidons
1st Logistics Flags (sewn not silkscreened)
South Vietnam Flag-Authenic (Sold)
Small VC Banner-Authenic (Sold)
Silkscreen Flags: Vietnam Veteran-POW/MIA-US Army
Customized banners, flags & guidons available
....................Much More....................



VIETNAM ORDER OF BATTLE-Shelby L. Stanton (scarce)
Vietnam Studies Series
Report On The War-Adm Sharp & Gen Westmoreland (scarce)
United States Air Force In Southeast Asia 1961-73
Southeast Asia: Building The Bases-Tregaskis (Seabees) (scarce)
Ambasadors In Green (Marines In Vietnam)
Pocket Guide To Vietnam (Sold)
Area Handbook For S. Vietnam
Area Handbook For N. Vietnam
Area Handbook For Vietnam (both)
Several Seabee Tour Books-Originals (All sold)
....................Much More....................


World War II

Building The Navy's Bases In WWII (Seabee 2 Vol Set-Rare!)
96th Infantry Division Unit History (Sold)

Militaria Reference

DEEDS OF VALOR 2 Vols Civil War Medal of Honor Citations-Scarce
National Geographic 1919-Decorations Edition (Sold)
National Geographic 1943 Decoration Editions

Misc. Items

NAM Comics
Vietnam Journal
PERSONAL INFORMATION My name is Phillip K. Sampley and my address is: 6320 Selago Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46203-6198. If you would like to contact me via phone the number is (317) 356-5699. I served with the 86th Transportation Company (Light Truck 2 1/2 Ton) during Vietnam in 1966-67. Our "Order of Battle" was... 1st Logistics Command, Saigon Support Command, 4th Trans Cmd, 48th Trans Gp and 7th & 6th Trans Bns. I began collecting militaria when I realized that my old battalions had unit insignia (DI's) and I wanted to try to procure a set for myself. One thing led to another and before I knew it I was knee deep in additional military items that I didn't want to keep but had to purchase in order to obtain those "special" things I remembered from my past. This has lead down a road of buying, selling & collecting not only for myself but for others that are looking for that certain, special piece of personal history. If you are where I was and you are searching for that certain thing, email me and let's see what we can come up with. I am a Life Member of Vietnam Veterans of America as well as a member of the Army Transportation Association-Vietnam (ATAV) and also a member of the American Society of Military Insignia Collectors (ASMIC). Finally, this is my first attempt at putting up a webpage and as you can see, it is a bare-bones page but I hope to do more with it later. If the links to other sites do not work, please let me know.
