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Veliko Turnovo - the capital of
Second Bulgarian Kingdom (1185-1396)

tzarevetz.jpeg (6962 bytes) If you should happen to visit this unusual city whose stone houses seem perched one above the other on the steep bank of the Yantra river, you will first be taken to see Tsarevets - the place of the patriarchal church and royal palaces, the hill where Baudouin's Tower still rises, linked with the legend of the Latin Emperor Baudouin of Flanders who was captured by Tsar Kaloyan. tzarewetz2.jpeg (5656 bytes)
Then you will be shown another hill Trapezitsa - where the foundations of 17 mediaeval churches were discovered.stDimitar_church.jpeg (5069 bytes)

You will marvel and enthuse over the Bulgarian National Revival period architectural ensembles on Gurko Street, the old Nikoli Inn and the St. St. Constantine and Helena Church. The original SAMOVODENE MARKET has been brought , back to life and, as in olden times, skillful craftsmen fashion and sell exquisite objects in the small restored workshops.

At night, proud Tsarevets lends the natural decor to a fantastic SOUND AND LIGHT spectacle.tsarevets.jpeg (4327 bytes)

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