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Tag Team Glory

Mr Rich-Today, I stand alone in what I have to say. Most times when Rich & Serious have a major tag match, we both speak our minds, and we will soon enough, but today, I have things to say, some things that involve my friend and tag partner and things that don't concern Johnny Serious one bit..well, maybe they do. See, this week at Zero Tolerance, some of us will be involved in two matches, our regular scheduled match, and the 20 man Battle Royal. I just happen to be one of those men. So while people like Nick Dangerous, Ron Wilkins, The Clu and Zach Dangerous all have the battle royal, I have to conserve my energy in a tag team title match and than go ahead and throw 20 men out of the ring during the battle royal.

Now, first thing first, Tag Team Titles. You know, I have sat here and have listened to The Elite Industry run their mouths' over and over again, and each time I hear it, I have to laugh to myself. Boys, enjoy your little title run while it lasts. See, we let you two kids play with the titles long enough but now it is time that those tag titles come back to upclass professionals like Rich & Serious. We let you play long enough but now the games are over and in the words of my partner, It's Time To Get Serious....

...What I find more suprising though is how this big tag match has been kept quiet from the PWR media. Whether it be the syndicated shows, the PWR Magazines, the websites or even the internet fans, there has not been much talk about the history of this match. Well, who cares. Who cares if Ricky Chambers could have been living the life the most people dream of. He could have had it all if he could have done his job right. But the fact of the matter is is that he sucked. He sucked big time. He can talk about how he has beaten Rich & Serious all he wants, but everyone knows that The Elite Industry cheated at Operation Genocide to win the titles and they cheated last week. But come this sunday night at Zero Tolerance, these two clowns can cheat all they want, but no matter what, they will not walk out the tag team champions. The Gold is too good for these two bastards....., I don't know if anyone has noticed, but these two are not and have not been on the same page recently. Not the same kind of page that Rich & Serious have been on. If I didn't know better I would say that there is friction between these two low class losers. But of course, thats what happenes to low lifes when they habitat is threatened. It becomes every man for themselves. Now you look at Rich & Serious and you can easily see how well we work together. We know each other so well. We are the example, the trendsetter shall I say for what a real championship tag team should look like. The Elite Industry is a joke. They are two bit losers who deserve to lose. They are not worth the time and effort that is needed to be a PWR Champion. We are. We were, that is, Rich & Serious were the best DAMN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS EVER in the PWR. WE MADE THOSE BELTS LOOK GOOD. In fact, out of all the PWR Tag Champions in history, we were the only one's who actually looked like Champions. We are respectable men, and that these days you just can not find. We Wrestle with honor. We do what it takes to win but we do it with CLASS. Something that the ELITE INDUSTRY has very LITTLE OF!!!!!

...but sunday night is not just about us winning the tag team gold. This sunday night, I along with 19 other men will do what it takes to out last one another. Now most people are probably going to talk about this person or that person but not me. See, for me, it doesn't matter who I beat as long as I win. Because if I do not win than it is not worth mentioning these people and if I do win, than who cares who I beat to win as long as I won. See, either way, mentioning the names of 19 people is simply useless. The fact of the matter is is that I am number 19. If I was 20 that I would probably say I have no chance of winning because the last entry never wins, but number 19 is a nice solid number. It's a number of Champions and it will be when I take everyone out of the Battle Royal. And for the first time, I will earn the respect of everyone including that fat horse toothed announcer, Roger Harris. And who knows what I will do than. I'll have the Tag Team Titles and of course, the match of my choice. What more can a person like myself ask for. Well, I can think of a few things but they have nothing to do with the PWR. But thats something for another for this sunday night, expect the expected....expect me, Mr Rich, Victorious twice in one night! And that my friends, you can take to the BANK!!!!!!!

(Mr Rich is at agym. Inside the gym there is a wrestling ring. Inside the ring we can see quite a few bodies. Mr Rich is on the outside of the ring..)

Mr Rich-Hello. Today, I am here to show you just how I plan on beating everyone at Zero Tolerance. Now I am sure your all questioning why I would be giving away my stratergy. Well, the fact of the matter is, I don't need to worry about that. I am so intent on winning that no matter who I am up against, I know I will throw them out of the ring. Now, through the raffle, I have pulled number 19...that means that there would have all ready been 18 people in, and I am sure some of those owuld have all ready been thrown out. I figure, I will enter the ring with about 6 people left in the ring. So today, I am going to do a practice run. I have strategically placed 6 people in the ring beside me. For realisim, I have all of the people in the ring wearing cardboard faces over their own face. We have a Nick Dangerous, a Ricky Chambers, a Ron Wilkins, a Liz Phillips, a Rapper, and a Jack Union. Playing the part of Neil Down and Roger Harris will be my lovely wife, Evette...So let the games begin.

(Mr Rich jumps into the ring and goes over to attack The Ricky Chambers mask who is on the verge of being thrown out of the ring)

Evette-And in comes Mr Rich and right away he attacks Ricky Chambers who is on the verge of being thrown out by Jack Union. And Wow, Mr Rich has easily tossed out Ricky Chambers. Mr Rich, now looks at Jack Union and the two begin to trade punchs. But wait, Mr Rich has caught Jack Unions Fist. Union is screaming in pain as Mr Rich takes Unions arm and tosses Union out of the ring. That is two men out of the ring.

(At that moment, a Man with a Victor Emmit mask comes running into the ring)

Evette-And here comes Victor Emmit, he runs into the ring but WOW, a Big Boot to Emmits face by Mr Rich sending Victor Emmit out of the ring, easy in, easy out. Emmit is elimnated. There is just 4 men left in the ring. Nick Dangerous and Rapper are locking hands as Mr Rich goes straight for Liz Phillips. Mr Rich grabs Liz Phillips by the hair and tosses her out of the ring by the hair. Just three remain in the ring now. And Mr Rich looks at Nick Dangerous and they both begin to kick and punch Rapper. Mr Rich throws Rapper against the ropes and both he and Dangerous runs at Rapper and clothesline him out of the ring and now we are down to two men. Mr Rich and Nick Dangerous stare down each other.

(Mr Rich draws a line in the middle of the ring, he than points to himself and signals for Dangerous to cross the line)

Evette-The two men are facing each other and you would have to think that Mr Rich has the advantage since he came in much later than the number one entry, Nick Dangerous. Nick Dangerous runs at Mr Rich but Mr Rich sticks out his foot and gives Dangerous a big boot. Nick Dangerous falls and Mr Rich quickly goes down and begins punching Dangerous as hard as he can. Mr Rich now picks Dangerous up, gives him a kick to the gut and delivers the Dow Jones. Mr Rich now walks over to the feet of Nick Dangerous and applys the Bad Investment....

(Mr Rich is not letting up. He is putting as much pressure on the wrestler portraying Nick Dangerous. Evette gets up and jumps into the ring.)

Evette-Rich...Honey, you need to stop...these men aren't real professional wrestlers, you are going to hurt him.

(Mr Rich still applying the Bad Investment.)

Mr Rich-So what, I should show no mercy.

Evette-Let him go!!!

(Mr Rich lets the guy go and than looks at Evette.)

Mr Rich-Why do you want to save Nick Dangerous you like him or something.

(The man with the Dangerous mask quickly rolls out of the ring)

Evette-What are you talking about, that is not Nick Dangerous. He is just some dude...

(Mr Rich looks over to the guy who is on the outside of the ring in pain. Mr Rich than looks at Evette.)

Mr Rich-Damn...I'm sorry babe...I guess I got caught up in the moment.

Evette-You need to get some rest...

(Mr Rich and Evette walk out of the ring and head towards the showers.)

Evette-Don't let Dangerous get to you babe...I love you and I always will..

Mr Rich-I know...I'm sorry.

(Mr Rich and Evette stop to kiss each other as the scene fades out.)