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the Trash Monkeys Offical Web Site

MeEt ThE BaNd
BaNd PiKs

We Are The Futrue. We Are The Sound Of Today And The Sound Is Loud. Lot Of Parents Worder Were They Went Wrong But Mabe Just Mabe They Went Right. No Madder What Your Parental Units Think Someday Your'e Going To Be Incharge. We Theyr'e Old, Grey, And Not Even Capalbe To Wipe There Own Ass You'll Be Livin' In The White House, Or Make It BIG As Millionair. What Ever Happens Thank Your Parents For What Ever They Did Wrong They Had To Do Some Thing Right. (Thank you mom and dad for believing in me)-Alex Vestal TRASH MONKEYS. E-MAIL US WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU at