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This assignment is offered as an alternative to the ‘Risk Management’ assignment.

An organisation’s Management Manual should consist of a Policy Manual, including Mission & Vision Statement, and a Procedure Manual, which contains procedures reflecting these statements by management.

This allows development of documentation against which everyday activities by employees, can be audited. It also offers a basis for ‘continual improvement’.

The Procedure Manual structure is probably best determined by constructing a ‘Project Flowchart’ describing the way a project is handled by the organisation.

Alternatively the product or service should be defined and a flowchart constructed describing the delivery activities.

The flowchart should be ‘macro’ in the first instance, and give a ‘birds-eye view’ of the process.

The assignment task is to construct such a flowchart for your organisation for each product or service type (two maximum), offered to customers. The flowchart should show how work is actually performed. It should include sales or enquiry activity, product or service design, manufacture, installation or delivery, followup.

Students who are not employed may elect to flowchart the delivery of the Hazardous Substances Course, of which this assignment is part.

In flowcharting the course delivery students are invited to suggest improvements to the flowchart (order of delivery processes), which would make the course a better product.

Alan Cotterell

22nd October 1999