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In performing this assignment the student may use some imagination about the work environment, and is encouraged to use any available information source, including the internet.

The Task

You are an officer in the State Emergency Service, charged with proactively managing road disasters.

A local chemical company sells concentrated nitric acid, to another manufacturing company one hundred kilometers away from its factory. The other factory is situated in the Murray Valley. The chemical is transported in a road tanker (articulated vehicle) which is appropriately licensed, by both the EPA and Workcover, to transport the material.

You are required to develop an Emergency Procedure Guide to instruct police, fire brigade, and other involved individuals, in the way emergencies involving this material, if it is spilt on a roadway as a result of a collision, major leakage etc.

Your task is to assess relevant policies affecting this material’s safety and release into the environment, perform a risk assessment and develop an administrative control. It is suggested a flow chart be developed for the process of controlling spills which is reasonably generic.

The flow chart should include critical actions to be taken from the time the spill is notified to the Emergency Control Centre, until the disaster site is cleared. It should include containment , use of personal protective equipment, spill collection and site clean-up, and treatment of waste and residues.

Prepare a textual document describing the process.

Prepare a checklist to be used by the Operations Manager to ensure the procedure has been complied with during an emergency.