FMM HQ Transblue - free website template
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8/20/03, posted by Ansel - We are getting REALLY close to the roster limit.. i only want maximum of 35 people on Roster.. eventho u only see 30 in the Roster list but then there are like 3 people that haven't applied yet, which leaves us only 2 more spots.. i dont want to get over the 35 limit because once we do it's very hard to organize a squad.. unless the person Neth wants to recruit is basing vet or wb or jav vet, then we may be excused to break the 35 people roster limit!

8/18/03, posted by Ansel - We got some new banners made by Hosack! Check them out and use them if you guys like them!

8/13/03, posted by Ansel - FMM IS BACK! LET'S OWN GUYS!