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Defend the Faith

Welcome to Defend the Faith!

A Catholic apologetics community loyal to the Magisterium and to His Holiness John Paul II

Welcome to Defend the Faith, a website dedicated to Catholic apologetics, fellowship, and more! "Defend the Faith" also has an on-line club and an e-group as a forum for discussion and sharing. I pray that this will be a place where together we might all grow in wisdom and love for Christ our Lord and the Faith entrusted to the Apostles. Our Catholic faith is an awesome inheritance to receive and to pass on. May we stand ready in knowledge and love to share with all who ask us the reasons for our hope! May the Peace that is ours in Christ be with you all!

What's at Defend the Faith?

Defend the Faith Group
Scriptures for Apologetics
Catholic Quotes
Stations of the Cross
Things to Remember from C.C.D.
How Old is Your Church?
Doctrinal Comparison

What's the latest?
At the web site, I have added the Stations of the Cross. I have also added a page called Things to Remember from C.C.D. The Defend the Faith Club was "converted" by yahoo! into an e-group, and has since been discontinued, so please move your membership to the Defend the Faith Group. It saddens me, as the club was first, but in the long run, I believe it will be better. If not already a member of the Defend the Faith group, please feel free to come by and join in the topics. Lately, we have been discussing the crisis in the Church, the Summa, and our responses to challenges to our faith. I have added more references to the "Eucharist" section of the Scriptures for Apologetics page, and in time hope to rework the page with more references and some commentary. I've also added "How Old is Your Church" which talks about when various Christian denominations were started, and "Docrinal Comparison" which shows in brief a comparison between what the Apostles taught, what the Catholic Church teaches, and what Protestants teach. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or just to say "Hi". There is a guestbook for this website available at the bottom of this page and I'd love to read your comments!


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"...Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence..." (1Pet 3:15-16)

"Not 100 in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is." Bishop Fulton J. Sheen