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Clip 1 This guy must live on nuclear waste!
Clip 2 The dangers John West go through to get the finest salmon!
Clip 3 Have a nice trip!
Clip 4 Like this man, you always want to be the perfact gentleman!
Clip 5 Watch where you are leaning Del Boy!
Clip 6 Here is supergran out walking the dog!
Clip 7 Here is Micheal Schumacker just before he was born!
Clip 8 and they're off.....!
Clip 9 Look out for that kid!!
Clip 10 It's the "waz up" guys!
Clip 11 Are you fell sick of your computer giving you problems?? Well here is what you can do!
Clip 12 And we thought the hospital was the safest place to be!!
Clip 13 Would you like a cream pie, Bill??
Clip 14 Spit it out Porky!!!
Clip 15 Look out for that horse!!!
Clip 16 If you are a pepping-tom, make sure you don't get spoted like this man!!