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Version::Back in Business

M~E~N~U Speak Mail

Hello! I gave up this site a few months ago, and now I've decided to start it back up again. There will be a few minor alterations, but basically, the site will still be the same. The reason it's called Sw33t, and not Sweet, is because I think Sw33t is cooloer and more trademarkeyer! He he! I want to start a big old blog thing, because it seems like that's what everyone else is doing. It's actually easier to to a blog thing than to do a commercialized site. So, here I am, looking for the code for a blog thing. He He. My dog is asleep in my lap, it's 1:44, and I'm thinking that I should go running because it's really nice outside. I might make a whole new site (as in, foret about this one) so I don't feel confused. Maybe an e-zine? Well I have to go. Please come back! (I could use the hits! he he!)



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<--Tape! (he he he)