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Some people only dream of angels, we held one in our arms

Welcome to our little home on the web.
I have lovingly created this website to memorialize my 2 very special Angels
and also to share with you my 2 precious earth angels,
all of whom have touched my heart and life
and made me who I am today.
I hope that after meeting each of my darling children,
you will have laughed, cried and fallen in love with them...
They are my true loves and my whole life,
along with my darling husband, Darcy.

To the women on the Grieving Moms and SPALS support lists...
You all truly do not know what you mean to me now,
and what you have meant to me during these past grief-filled years.
You have been my true support
when I have felt so very alone in my pain.
To all of you I give my my sincere gratitude,
for the love, compassion and support that you have shown me.
For allowing me get to know each of you,
cry for your children and weep for your heartaches.
Thank you for letting me share all my innermost feelings
when no one else would listen.
You have touched my life and I cry and laugh with each of you
as you allow me to share in your lives.
I wish all of you the joyful sound of a child's laughter ringing through your house,
endless sleepness nights singing lullabies to your cherished little one,
and most of all pure peace
knowing that our angels are together watching over us always.

Listed below are the several pages of our website.
We would be honoured if you would take a look at them and meet our darling children. We also have a poetry page which includes my own poetry and some poetry from others... a special links page and our very special adoption wish page... plus losts more for you to check out.

Please sign our guestbook down below to let us know what you think of our site... it is so wonderful to have visitors and even better when you know you have them. :)

Our Story
Shelrae's Page
Angel Raeanne's Story & Pictures
More Precious Pictures of Angel Raeanne
Katelyn's Page
Angel Joshua's Story & Pictures
More Precious Pictures of Angel Joshua
Poetry Page
Our Adoption Wish
Special Child Loss Links & Other Interesting Links
My Other Webrings
Barnes & Noble Store (Be nice... buy from our page and we get comission)

Life What a
Beautiful Choice!


Adopted: August 28,1999

Stop Abortion Not A Beating Heart!

We support the work of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Daremore Quotes

I am the owner and moderator of a list called "Grieving Moms".
I created this list so that those of us who
know the pain and devastation of losing a child might
come together and comfort and support one another. It has
turned out to be a great group with several members,
all of whom are wonderful women. If you would like to join the Grieving Moms Group,
just use the subcription box below.
Subscribe to Grieving Moms List
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