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Send us your drinking story!

How do I do that?
Before you can send us your drinking experience, the story must meet all of our Beer Mail regulations.

The story cannot be over 300 words.

It must be believable and authentic. We have read so many stories we can pick out fact from fiction.

It can be as dirty and vulgar as you like as there are no children readers.

Stories will not be changed. They are submitted as they are.

Stories must be drinking related.

We have the right to what stories are selected to be in Beer Mail.

Ok, enough of this crap, submit story

The Budweiser Award
And the best drinking story goes to...
After you submit your story, our staff reviews each stories and picks out the good from the bad. The better ones go on to the head webmaster who chooses the best among them. The best must be funny, entertaining, and must be able to relate to others. This person will then receive the Budweiser Award for the month. Your name and your winning story will be posted on the front page. This is a great honor so keep drinking and writing!

And if there's a best story, there's always a worst one. After being reviewed by our staff and webmaster, you story could be chosen for the Natty Light Award. This could mean it's so stupid it's actually funny or it just doesn't even make sense. Think of it this way, at least you got recognized, eh?

Send my story

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Drink responsibly.