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ADRA Award Nomination Form


Please circle one name from each list, or add your own choice in “Other”.  You can return this form in person to Kandy Mitton, you can fax them to 506-432-6005, you can mail them to ADRA, 2284 Shepody Road, Little Salmon River West, NB E4E 5R6 or you can email them to  Votes must be received no later that October 8th, 2006


Nominees are listed in alphabetical order.


Jimmy Award - To be awarded to the ADRA member who has done the most promotion for the ADRA.


a) Gerard Bryden                                                 d) Kandy Mitton

b) Steve Campbell                                                          e) Scott Sprague

c) Bruce Howatt                                                 f) Other______________________


Ambassador Award - To be awarded to the member who has had the most unfortunate luck for the duration of the current race season (Summer of 2006)


a) Dave Anthony                                                            d) George Estabrooks

b) Gerard Bryden                                                 e) Joey McInnis

c) Jim Burns                                                                 f) Other______________________


Competition Vehicle of the Year - To be awarded to the member who has the best overall race machine (based on factors such as paint, body, engine and/or performance).  Cars, trucks, bikes, sleds, etc are all eligible. Please write in the person’s name and vehicle type below:


Name:_____________________________  Vehicle:________­­­­___________________


President’s Award - To be awarded to the member who has the BEST overall attitude towards the sport of racing and their fellow racers.


a) Richard Boyd                                                    d) Roy Matthews

b) Bruce Howatt                                                 e) Ivan Noonan

c) John MacKinnon                                                       f) Other_______________________


ADRA Racer/Member of the Year - To be awarded to the member who has shown themselves to be an invaluable member of this Association through their hard work, dedication and enthusiasm.


a) Glenna Boyd                                                                         d) Bruce Howatt

b) Richard Boyd                                                                                        e) Kandy Mitton

c) Gerard Bryden                                                                                     f) Other______________________


 Terry Moores Award/ADRA Rookie of the Year – To be awarded to an ADRA Member who is in their rookie year of racing and has shown an enthusiasm for the sport.


a) Janet Axworthy                                                         c) Patrick Noonan

b) Jillian Freeman                                                           d) other____________________

c) Faber Mackie