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Appalachian Pagan Alliance AUTUMN 2011-newsletter

Ginger and Beth in DELPHI, GREECE on 11-11-11

The Appalachian Pagan Alliances' forty-leventh Samahain Costumed brunch was only attended by Ginger and Terri,
but we ad a grand time, nonetheless. We are planning a New Years week APA Ladies Lunch Out that hopefully will be more crowded.

(Artwork by Terri King)

The other "APA LADIES" event this Autumn was Beth and Ginger's pilgrimage to Greece and Egypt in November!
Ginger Reports that "We visited the Greek and Roman Ruins in Athens including of course, the Acropolis' Parthenon and Erechtheion,

and spent 11-11-11 in magical sacred Delphi!"
Beth reports that Delphi was her favorite site saying; "The highlight of our trip to Greece was spending 11-11-11 in the magical atmosphere of Delphi.
The ruins were awesome, as was the scenery, museum, & nearby town...we learned it took pilgrims 32 days to WALK there from Athens!"

They also visited the Poseidon temple at cape Sounion, and a several museums in Greece.

Ginger reports that; "We were only in Egypt for 44 hours, (My 4th visit to Egypt, Beth's 3rd) but made the most of it,
splurging on staying at the very fancy Mena House hotel (That used to be King Farouk's hunting Palace!)
I went to the Sphinx temple at sunrise
then visted my beloved Saqqara including te step pyramid of Zoser, the Mastabas and the new Imhotep museum that I'd not been to yet.
At noontime, I sat and sipped Karkaday at 'my' cafe across from the Sphinx. Beth and I then had a very nice afternoon walking the gardens of the Mena House,
ate in their Khan el-Khalili restaurant and enjoyed lounging in our room, where we could gaze upon the pyramids from our balcony!"

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