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APA May 2009 Newsletter

Kudzu Wreath woven and decorated by Ginger Strivelli

Newsletter Editress: Ginger Strivelli In lieu of the usual APA Annual May Day Celebration, we had an extra APA Ladies day out lunch as the may day event was 'more trouble than it was worth' last year, and Ginger And Beth were still recovering from their Egypt and Rome trip back in March. The APA is also planning to help network and spread the word about Pagan unity Campaign's IAM post card campaign for Summer solstice. Our Leading Priestess, Ginger is no longer the PUC national president, but she is serving on in PUC as their NC state chair and SouthEastern Regional Director. ------------------------ FROM OUR BOOK OF SHADOWS: Don't forget y'all that the Kudzu is now growing again. Kudzu vines can be used to weave baskets, wreaths, and such. The flowers can be used to make jelly, the leaves can be eaten fried. The leaves and flowers and vines can be used in various charms. Use Kudzu to invoke the powers of fertility, growth, strength, persistence, creativity, etc. ------------------------- From: Pagan Unity Campaign Subject: I Am Campaign Date: May 15, 2008 Seven years ago the Pagan Unity Campaign began what has, for many, become an annual tradition. We gathered our post cards and set to work reminding elected officials that the United States is home to some of the most diverse groups of people around; and Pagan Americans are one of those groups. With one simple line, 'I Am a Pagan _____,' we reminded elected officials in all 50 states that this is truly a nation of religious diversity and that we expect them to work to preserve that diversity and the importance religious beliefs of every stripe hold to the American people. As Pagans, our religious beliefs hold a special place in our lives, but our religious beliefs are not the only thing by which we may be defined. We are teachers, we are parents, we are students, we are lawyers... and we are everything between. And just as importantly, we vote. It is once again time to take up the charge and remind elected officials that we are American, we are here and that we not only pay attention, but that we are proactive in addressing issues of religious tolerance. The Pagan Unity Campaign would like to encourage the Pagan community to get involved during this important election year and send in post-cards to current elected officials at the local, state and federal level in addition to those who are running for office. Your post cards should say "I am a Pagan ______" (as always, that blank can be anything you wish it to be) and should be mailed during the week of the Summer Solstice. The rest of the details are up to you.

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