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DEC. 2005 APA Newsletter

Editress Ginger Strivelli

Ginger and Terry met for an APA’s Ladies night out event in 
mid December, with everyon’e busy yuletide schedules, no one 
else made it but they enjoyed it nonetheless.

Afterwards Terry assisted Ginger in leading the new moon 
circle, that is held monthly at Cosmic connections here 
in Asheville. As the Appalachian Pagan Alliance was this months 
leading group. Ginger led the large varied group in an 
invocation and blessing rite invoking the Holly King. After 
reciting the Holly King Invocation, Ginger passed our 
special seasonal paper and pens for everyone to write their 
‘wish list’ for the jolly ole Elf himself…Then we took those 
lists home and sent them to him , through the fireplace, 


More Astrology explanations from
Marcia Tillison

Oh no the Moon is going to be gone?!

More and more on astrological sites we are seeing the term 
“moon void”.  I have had a few people ask me what 
the means exactly.  Here is a simple explanation:

The Moon goes through signs of the zodiac just as the other 
planets do.  As the planets move through the wheel there can 
be a period of time when they are between signs.  When this 
happens it is called Moon Void Of Course.  It is a time when 
the moon is not inside of any specific astrological sign.  
During this time we can feel a lack of motivation to 
accomplish anything.  For me I will finally give up, even at 
work and get down to busy work such as filing.  Nothing really 
large can be done during this time.  You’ll find yourself 
ushing and getting frustrated, so take it easy, work on the 
small details or better yet, take a nap or meditate.  
Moon Void can last anywhere from 5 minutes to 12 hours or more, 
but not usually longer than 12.  

You know the old saying “better fight than switch”?  
Well, in this case don’t fight just relax.


Wassail Song

Here we come a-wassailing among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wandering so fairly to be seen.
Now is winter time and strangers travel far and near,
And we wish you, send you a happy New Year. 
Bud and blossom, bud and blossom, bud and bloom and bear,
So we may have plenty of cider all next year.
Baskets full and barrels full, and bushels, bags and bowls,
And the cider running out of every gutter hole. 
Here we come a-wassailing among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wandering so fairly to be seen.
Now is winter time and strangers travel far and near,
And we wish you, send you a happy New Year. 
Down here in the muddy lane there sits an old grey fox,
A-starving and a-shivering, and licking his old chops.
Brings us up a table and set it if you please,
And give us hungry wassailers a bit of bread and cheese. 
Here we come a-wassailing among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wandering so fairly to be seen.
Now is winter time and strangers travel far and near,
And we wish you, send you a happy New Year. 
I have a little purse and its made of leather skin,
A little silver sixpence, it would line it well within.
Now is winter time and strangers travel far and near,
And we wish you, send you a happy New Year. 
Here we come a-wassailing among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wandering so fairly to be seen.
Now is winter time and strangers travel far and near,
And we wish you, send you a happy New Year. 


Sweeping negativity out of the home spell  By Ginger Strivelli

Use your magical broom, not your mundane one, and start in 
the center of the home. Then working widdershins 
(Counter clockwise) sweep just above the floor in circles 
spiraling outward until you get all the way out to the 
outer walls of the house . (This can be done room  by room.) 
When you get to the end sweep the negativity (visualize 
a actual pile of trash like you would have had if you’d 
been mundanely sweeping) into a mirror (used like a dust pan.) 
Then break the mirror, place the pieces in a sealed jar or box, 
and bury it. The Negative energy is now banished from your 
home and is thricely trapped.

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