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Appalachian Pagan Alliance's July 2005 Newsletter

July 2005 APA Newsletter
Editress Ginger Strivelli

Be sure and get a chance this summer to look at the new Book 
“Which Witch is Which” Edited By Patricia Telsco, the Chapter 
on Appalachian Magic is written by the APA’s own 
Ginger Strivelli….where the APA is of course mentioned 
in Ginger’s bio after her chapter.

Also another suggested reading for the summer is Pat Monaghan's 
Wild Girls which has a blurb on the back cover by Ginger 
that mentions the APA!

It’s so nice to see the Appalachian pagan Alliance getting 
some good press in these professional mass market printed books.


In honor of the Forth of July….a magical incantation from Lady Liberty:

The FIRST Amendment!
Article I. 
Congress shall make no law respecting an 
establishment of religion, or prohibiting 
the free exercise thereof; 
or abridging the freedom of speech, 
or of the press; 
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, 
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

And In honor of these magical summer storms we have here in Appalachia:
(By Ginger Strivelli)

Lightning and thunder 
what a wonder
Energy flying through the air
try to catch it if you dare
Charge your spells
as the power swells
reel in the light 
at the storm's height
cast your energy net wide
then cast your spell inside
the vortex of plasma fire
within the air and rain water
on Mother Earth you stand
with wand in hand
fire, water, air, earth and you
What magic shall you do?

Sacred Sites Section:
A Kudzu Field-anywhere in Dixie

Magical Kudzu By Ginger Strivelli
The magical kudzu does bloom
tiny torches of pinks, purples, and reds
Climbing like acrobats 
over trees, light poles and sheds. 
With lusty fertile bodies 
it does reach up, down, and out, 
it curls, twirls, and swirls 
all over and all about. 
Making sculptures in the 
wires and trees
it seems to go just 
wherever it does please. 
The Kudzu does create artwork; 
as if inspired by the Muses
with its vines and leaves it paints designs 
wherever it chooses. 
Clings to everything, it does 
including itself. 
it is such 
a mischievous little elf. 
'tis a flower for the brave 
and adventurous 
Not the poor souls 
who do live slow and cautious. 
Kudzu is a plant for joyful artists, 
cooks, Witches and crafters
For it does make good baskets, 
jellies charms and laughter. 

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